chapter 7

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8:00 o'clock... tick tick tick tick tick...

Weiwei was nearly choking from eating so much food. However she dared not stop as if she did, they will certainly go home and she was really scared of what could FengTingmo do.

Who knows if he was a psycho who loves beating women or tying women up or maybe even making wear nothing and walk around the house!

The more she thought, the more scared her face was. She was now drenching in her own sweat and FengTingmo was chucking as he saw his little wife running wild.

"Eat a bit more, like that you'll have the energy for the whole night till morning " he said while sipping his tea.

Weiwei's chopsticks suddenly stopped moving and her hand was trembling from fear. She was really scared right now. If she was to eat more, he will punish her till morning, yet if she didn't, they were going to start sooner...

Out of the blue, weiwei 'fainted'.

She really hoped that FengTingmo will not notice anything and drop that punishment thing... but, how can a silly man be at the top of the business world, making billions per minute...

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