Gift of Giving

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In a world not far from our own.

There was a town that many called home.

In this town there was one rule,

Taught to the folk as soon as they got into school.

Give to receive and always give back when gifted.

This one rule was not to be changed moved or shifted.

In a town where all had plenty.

No one ever gave a gift and was left hands empty.

To give was to receive and to receive meant to give.

This is how all the people in Gifton lived.

From the mayor of Gifton with his pile of gifts.

To the youngest child all instilled was thrift.

But now there was a boy who was different than the rest.

He always gave gifts and his gifts were the best.

Young Nicolas the delivery boy is how he would earn,

all of the gifts he gave without ever expecting anything in return.

For you see Nicolas loved to share.

From food to toys and decorations, anything he could spare.

The townsfolk looked down on Nicolas and his giving ways.

He'll run himself out of town if he doesn't get over this selfless phase.

For if a citizen of Gifton has nothing left to give.

Then somewhere else that person must learn to live.

The mayor came to Nicolas' home one day.

''Nicolas' he said, 'you must stop simply giving your things away''

''For if you give all of your gifts,

Then you will have to learn to drift.

For a Gifton who has nothing to give back.

Will ruin our great tradition and throw things out of wack.''

Nicolas looked up at the large plump man,

''But can't we just give not because we have to but because we can?''

The mayor pulled Nicolas aside to peer over the wall of Gifton.

''Look out there to that desolate world, is that the place you want to gift in?''

Those people have little because they do not share.

But in Gifton always give so we have plenty to spare.''

''If what you say is true,'' Nicolas replied,

''Then we should share what we have with those outside.''

The mayor shook his head in frustration.

If you cannot understand out ways then perhaps you need to take a vacation.

Nicolas looked out into the world wonder.

There must be a way to fix the outsides blunder.

He packed what he could and gave what he could not.

He walked right out of Gifton without a second thought.

Now the outside world was baron and dry.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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