My 6 Year Old Daughter (LushLaws) (Nick MPreg)

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Matthew thinks he knows everything about Nick. But he's wrong.

Nick has a secret that Ellie and Rene knows about. He has a daughter.

When Nick was at the age of 13 he got raped. Then he got pregnant.

On  the 16 of May 2008 He gave birth to a healthy baby girl called Kelsey Laws.

But tradgedy struck, when Nick was at school his mother took Kelsey to the park and when she wasn't looking, the man who raped Nick kidnapped her.

Now, Nick knows the police are doing anygthing to find his baby girl, but he doesn't know if she is alive and how he is going to tell his frends and his boyfriend Matthew Lush.

Will the police ever find Kelsey?

My 6 Year Old Daughter (LushLaws) (Nick MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now