CHAPTER 2 the bullies

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I was walking down the hall then all of the sudden D.K comes out of the guys bathroom and she is a girl. (WTF?) Then after she says "hey ugly girl" and i point to myself and she says "yea u are u stiped or something." and i say no" and i wisper and u are the one that is below avrage" did u say anything to me" i shack my head no then i say " i am going to be late for class" She says " NO!" WE ARE NOT DONE YET DUMBASS" I start running down the hall and she is not even behind me bcz she is such a fatass. The i trip down the staires and i drop my books everywhere. She grabbed  one of my books and ripes all of the pages out of the book. I sit their on the cold concert steps crying. The i see basketball shoes and i look up.  The school hottie Jack H was looking at me with the boys bathroom pass. He ask me in his soft voice that always gets my heart rushing. " Whats wrong? are u ok" I try not to look up or else he will see my mess up makeup and hair. I say that i fell down the staris and hurt my leg very bad. He takes my leg and looks at it and says " It looks it is spraided" He takes my arm and lifts me up.  he said that we should go to the nurse. He grabs  my arm around his shoulder and limp to the nurse office. The nurse gave my cast. The first person that sighed my cast was Jack H. When he was sighing it i looked at him and smiled. He smiled back with his super white teeth and said "hope it gets better" I said "thanks". After that Jack was in all my classes and he would carry my books. We started to hang out after school and eat lunch at the same lunch table!! One day i got a txt that said....

Read chapter 3 to found out what that txt said...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2012 ⏰

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