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David woke up first on Saturday. He wasn't sure what time it was, though he had a good guess that it wasn't morning. He couldn't find his phone and eventually gave up looking; it was probably lost somewhere in the bed.

And then he remembered he was in bed with Preston...

Panic took over for a few moments. He stared at her back, as she was facing away from him sleeping on her side. She was still seemingly very asleep, so at least that bought him some time. Shit shit shit shit shit. He knew they didn't do anything besides sleep, so why did he feel so weird? He didn't want to mess anything up. He'd meant to go sleep in the other room, but that clearly didn't happen.

He slowly got out of bed, calming down after a few minutes of thinking about all the terrible ways this could go. David grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to change. He looked in the mirror and winced: He definitely looked like he'd slept with someone. After changing, washing his face, and trying to tame his bedhead, he went to the kitchen.

When he came back to the room to finally find his phone, Preston was coming out of the bathroom. She smiled sleepily and handed him his phone from the nightstand.

"This ended up on my side," she said as if it were a completely normal thing that happened all the time. David was freaking out that she wasn't freaking out but decided to follow her lead.

"Thanks," he said and pocketed the phone without looking at it. "Want leftover pizza?"

"Always," Preston said. "I'm so hungry. You know it's almost 1? But do you have any sweats I can borrow?"

Caught off guard by what he thought was the lock opening on the front door, it took a second to respond. He started backing out of the room as he gestured to the laundry basket by the dresser. "Grab anything in there!"

He came out of the room, mostly closing the door behind him, to see Jason and Brandon coming through his front door.

"What the hell?" David said, now forgetting Preston was in the other room.

"What the hell to you!" Jason exclaimed while walking into the living room. "I've been calling and texting you for hours."

"Oh, my phone must have died," David said and pulled it form his pocket. Dead.

"David, you look like a mess. What did you do last night after everyone left?" Jason asked.

As if on queue, Preston walked to the living room while looking down at her phone; she'd put her hair up in a messy bun, looking like as much of a hot mess as was possible for her. "David, I took these soccer ones. Can't promise I'll bring them back though. They fit me great. Also, Jason texted me like 10 times, so you'd better..." She trailed off when she finally looked up to see Jason and Brandon standing in front of her with their mouths wide open.

David's head dropped.

Preston's own eyes went wide. "Hi," she said slowly.

"Jason. No. Don't," David tried to warn him.

Jason was speechless though. He kept moving his camera back and forth between Preston and David.

"So... anyone see any good movies lately?" Brandon broke the silence finally.

Preston had a soft spot for Brandon's humor and couldn't stop from laughing. "Sorry," she said to David as he gave a her a dirty look.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" David yelled. He wanted them out of the house as fast as possible.

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