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The next morning David was indeed very sore. Hard to get out of bed sore. He used Siri to text Preston.

D: What have you done to me?

P: Sounds like somebody needs to work out more...

D: I hate you.

P: No, you don't. Take some ibuprofen and get in a hot shower.

He really didn't hate her. But he also didn't know how he was going to function. He texted Jason next.

D: I might need you to come by. I hung out with Preston last night and I can hardly move.

J: Dude, you slept with her?

D: What? No! We went rock climbing. Did you know that I'm severely out of shape?

J: Your first text was misleading. Don't put that on me.

David finally managed to get out of bed more than an hour after waking up. He did what Preston had said and taken some medicine; then he limped off to the bathroom. How did Preston do that multiple times a week? Well, he knew. He had front row seats to her gun show.

When he got out of the shower, he had messages from Preston and Alex.

P: I've got good news and bad news. Good news: You worked out so hard last night and I'm very proud of you. Bad news: My trip got canceled. There's supposed to be pretty bad weather next week, so the trip is being postponed. Sorry for making you exercise for nothing; we could have put it off for awhile.

David was genuinely bummed about the cancellation but not because of climbing. He'd seen how excited Preston was about it, especially after seeing how happy she was at the gym, and he knew she was really looking forward to an escape from LA life.

A: So I hear you and Preston had a rough night.

David cursed Jason.

D: How did you have time to text Alex between my texts?

J: I got really excited. My bad.

D: So excited you couldn't tell him you were wrong?

J: Exactly.

David couldn't believe Jason sometimes.

D: We didn't have sex.

A: Well, not yet.

D: Why is everyone so fixated on me sleeping with Preston?

A: Gotta have something to root for, don't we?

David tossed his phone on the bed and flopped down on his back. He stared at the ceiling for a while, letting the disappointment of the cancelled Joshua Tree trip sink in. He finally texted back Preston.

D: I really am disappointed for you. I know you were really looking forward to it.

P: Well, it's still happening. Just not until next month. I'll keep you updated. Just as long as you still want to keep filming for your video, that is.

D: Of course.

David went bouldering with Preston a few more times before the rescheduled Joshua Tree trip. And every time he thought he wouldn't be sore, he totally was. David knew he wouldn't ever really get into bouldering, but it was fun to mess around with. He'd take any opportunity to hang out with Preston.

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