The RANDOM 30 letter challange :)

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this is gonna get interesting :D

1. to an inanimate object you hate

2. to a dinosaur

3. to a movie character

4. someone you want to kick in the face and why.

5. celebrity you wanna kick in the face.

6. a HEARTFELT letter to some food

7. to a historical event

8. to a giant space robot

9. to the coolest person youve never met

10. to an alian race

11. to your last bowel movement

12. to a mythological creature

13. to a word you dont like

14. to a word you love

15. to your crotch

16. to your bed

17. to a videogame character

18. to a website that ruined your life

19. to an animal you like

20. to an animal you think is f*cking stupid

21. to something youve owned 5+ yrs

22. to something/someone you wanna f*ck

23. to the drug of your choice

24. to one of your body parts

25. to Gary Busey

26. to the future cyborg version of you

27. to a band that really needs to break up

28. to movie you hate

29. to a letter youve written a bowl of fruit.

The RANDOM 30 letter challange :)Where stories live. Discover now