Chapter 9

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"Sleeping Beauty woken up yet?" Negan asked walking into the infirmary looking over at your unconscious body lying on the bed as the nurse shook her head.

"What James told us about that other man taking her into a room and using her seems to be true. She has some of the physical affects on her body, like the bruises over her arms and neck, but they are just the ones you can see, there's more under her clothing." The nurse explained looking over at Negan before back down at you. "Her head has been hit pretty hard, not just the clear bruises on her temple, but the back of her head looks to have been slammed against something solid. She definitely has a concession, but I can't be sure if she has other head injuries until she wakes up."

Negan nodded, swinging Lucille over his shoulder. "Alright, I gotta go get Sasha and my men ready for our trip to Alexandria, but before I do that Lucille, here is gonna meet the little prick who did this to Y/N." Negan stated before walking out the room. She was a prisoner here and refused his offer to be his wife. He may dislike you, but he respected you. He was used to women doing whatever he said, but you didn't. You were different and he may hate you for saying no to his offer and for punching him, but he respected you and under no circumstances did he tolerate rape or anything like that where consent was not given, even if he hated the victim.


Daryl stood besides one of the cars inside Alexandria, listening as Eugene talked through a microphone at Rick who was standing up on the guard post. The garbage people all ducked behind the fence, keeping out of sight from the Saviours who were all parked in front of the gate.

"Where's Negan?" Rick questioned as Daryl stared at Eugene through the metal bars of Alexandria's gate. How could he betray the group like that?

"I'm Negan." Eugene answered and Daryl shook his head, looking over at Rick as he stared at their former friend before glancing down at Rosita giving her the signal to detonate the explosives they had planted but nothing happened.

Something wasn't right, they had wired the explosives themselves, someone must have altered them. But who? The only people who knew about the explosives where our own people and... Shit the garbage people.

Before Daryl could say anything to the others the garbage people all cocked their guns aiming at everyone's head as he held his AK-47 aiming at the nearest enemies around him. Nobody moved, guns raised at each other while one of the garbage people opened the front gate of Alexandria as Negan climbed out his truck followed by Dwight.

"You ever hear the one about the stupid little prick named Rick who thought he knew shit, but didn't know shit and got everyone that he gave a shit about killed?" Negan asked, Lucille slung over his shoulder as he pointed at Rick with a grin. "It's about you. You're all gonna wanna put your guns down now."

"No one drops anything. We had a deal." Rick responded glancing over at Jadis who shrugged.

"Tamiel came for the boat things. Followed ones who took. Made a better deal." Jadis replied, her gun still aimed at Rick.

"You push me and you push me. And you push me, Rick. You just tried to blow us up, right? I mean, I get me, my people. But Eugene? He's one of yours. And after what he did. He stepped up. You people are animals. Universe gives you a sign and you just shove your finger right up it's ass. Dwight, Simon, chop-chop." Negan ordered as he climbed onto the trailer of the truck while his men began undoing straps and blankets covering a large coffin as they wheeled it over to Negan, standing it up besides him.

"So, you don't like Eugene anymore. You guys gotta like Sasha. I do, too. Got her right here packaged for your convenience, alive and well. Now, I bought her so I wouldn't have to kill all of you, and not killing all of you could get complicated. See, I know there's a lot of firepower left in there, Rick. So I'm gonna make this simple. I want all the guns you've managed to scrape up. Yep, I know about those too. I want every last grain of lemonade you got left. I want a person of your own choosing for Lucille." Negan instructed before his eyes landed on Daryl who was already staring at him. "Daryl. Oh I gotta get me my Daryl back. I see you. And the pool table and all the pool cues and chalk. And I want it now or Sasha dies, and then all of you. Probably. C'mon Rick. Just because I bought her in a casket doesn't mean she has to leave in it."

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