Chapter 2-

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Once again you awoke to an empty bed. You figured Daryl would be with Rick, trying to plan what to do if the Saviours tried to attack Alexandria, so you slowly climbed out of bed and got changed for the day. Last night you managed to calm Daryl down enough for him to get at least a few hours of sleep, you played with his hair while he laid against you, his head in the crock of your neck until he eventually fell asleep. He blamed himself for what happened and no matter what you told him, he just couldn't see past it. He was hurting and there was nothing you could do about it and that honestly killed you more than anything.

Just as you were putting your boots on to go take over the guard shift from Abraham you heard the engine of Daryl's motorcycle roar to life. Why would he start the bike up if he wasn't going on any runs? You asked yourself, when it suddenly hit you, he wasn't going on a run, he was going to find Dwight.

In a split second you race out the house and sprinted towards the front gate, spotting Daryl as he pulled up in front of the gate climbing off his bike to open them.

"Where are you going?" You heard Rosita question as you reached Daryl's bike standing next to it so he couldn't get to it.

"Out." Daryl muttered as he continued to open the gate and you knew there was no way Rosita would be able to stop him from leaving.

"No, shit. You got specifics?" Abraham asked from the guard post, but Daryl didn't even acknowledge his question as he turned back to his bike, freezing for a second when he saw you standing there.

"Don't go after him. Who knows how many more of the Saviours are out there, it's a suicide mission!" You shouted unable to control your sudden surge of anger.

"Don't care." Daryl muttered as he walked over to you folding his arms over his chest waiting for you to move out the way.

"Well bad luck because I do! Don't do this. Denise wasn't your fault, the only person who blames you for what happened is yourself." You stated, but Daryl shook his head grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the bike. As strong as you were, you were no match against Daryl, so you didn't fight back when he pulled you away, but you did grab his shoulder causing him to stop as he grabbed the handle bars of the bike.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't go?" Daryl shouted glaring over his shoulder at you as you refused to let go of him.

"Because you're not thinking clearly right now!" You yelled and you could feel tears slowly rising in your eyes, but you force them down as Daryl shrugged your hand off his shoulder. "You can't go!" You shouted desperately afraid that if goes then he may never return.

"Why?!" He shouted as he climbed onto the bike and you knew what was about to happen.

"Because I'm pregnant!" You yelled which got his attention as he quickly looked over at you trying to workout if you were joking or not.

"Ya sure?" He questioned, his voice slightly softer now and you nodded. He didn't say anything for a while and you could feel Abraham and Rosita staring at you in shock, but right now all you wanted was for Daryl to say something, for him to say anything!

"I have to do this."  He suddenly stated after a few seconds of silence and before you could even register what he said he took off, leaving you standing there trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.

You stood there watching him until his bike disappeared into the distance, you didn't even hear a car behind you until Abraham started talking.

"Make room for my freckled ass!" He shouted and you turned around to find Glen and Michonne in one of the cars as Abraham stood in front.

You're Not Alone Pt. 2 ( Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now