Let Me Go (15)

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"I'm Allen by the way," My head whipped to him as I sped down the road. He gave a wave and smiled.

"Allen," I said, turning back to road and heaving a sigh. "alright." My knuckles were turning white as I clenched the steering wheel with inner rage bubbling inside me. They're idiots. Complete, utter, idiots.

I knew I was almost there but not even that reassurance could keep my hands from shaking. I had been gone so long. The running out of gas thing is a real pain in the ass and wasn't my best move. I had to walk to a gas station from the cafe and from there back to my car with gas. Well, run. That added a lot of time to the relentless ticking time bomb that was Sam.

"Listen, I know you're probably freaking out but, I'm sure we're going to get there in time." Allen told me, calm. "How long have you been gone?"

"I don't know," I said, shaking my head. "five, six hours? Why?" I turned to him and he looked away from me and down at his lap.



"You need to administer eight doses of human blood through a syringe, one every hour. The eighth hour is when it will be completed, I'm sure we will make it in time though." he says, smiling. My heart sank into the pit of my stomach and twisted and turned. My head swiveled back to the road and I floored it, going way faster than legal.

I got there in record time, but still feared it was too late. It was dark out and I had no idea when I left. I started towards the house first, the impala was still in the drive way, I noticed. I through open the door, Allen following.

"Sam!" I yelled, marching about. "Dean!" I peered down the halls and found nothing. I came back and Allen was shaking his head.

"They aren't here." he told me.

"The shed then," I said. "the impala is still there, they couldn't have gone too far."

We left the house and started towards the shed. I got up to the doors and could hear faint whispering...that's when I felt the anger explode within me. I grab the doors and through them open. Allen stood behind me in dismay, while Sam, Dean and Crowley stood in front of me.

Crowley was a mess, tied to a chair with a pleading look in his eyes. Dean had pushed himself off the wall and was glaring in my direction. Sam, he was the worst. So sickly and in so much pain. It tugged at my heart but not enough to cool the bad feelings stirring within.

"Oh hello Scarlett," Crowley smiled smugly and I chose to ignore him. Better not to feed my anger.

"What are you doing here?" Dean snapped at me and I felt the urge to kill him. Not even the innocent, "Oh my gosh, hahah, I could kill him" , but the actual urge to stop his heart.

"What am I doing here?" I asked, trying to remain calm. "What are you both doing her?!" I couldn't keep it for long. "No. Better question, why are you letting your brother kill himself?!"

"Excuse me?" Sam piped up. I turned to him and he was holding the syringe in his arm, getting ready to take more blood from himself.

"You're killing yourself." I told him simply and heard Dean scoff.

"Oh please," he muttered and I found myself exploding with emotion.

"It's true!" I thrashed my hands about. I couldn't contain the bent up anger. "You think I would have come back to you if it wasn't?! You were going to let him kill me," Meg. "you let him kill her. Yet despite that, I care about you two, even though you don't care if I'm back in hell or under a headstone, I care about you!"

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