Chapter 1 - A Plan Begins

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The plan was simple. Five girls. Five guys. The girls primped and primed themselves in the mirror making sure their presence would not be overlooked by their targeted audience. They'd come to Alaska as they always had as children. Two sets of sisters and the other the only girl in a family with 7 brothers. Their families had all worked together on their own boats, but as a team for the same fishery. Their home port had been in coastal Washington and their lives had been filled with any and every comfort of the modern world they could get their fill of, but they still adored the outdoors and the bounty it offered.

When the girls heard of a television show touting a family living off the fruits of the Alaskan wilderness they eagerly watched in hopes of seeing a family much like all of their own, only to be dismayed by reports of wild inaccuracies and falsehoods that were rampant among the online and local communities. The more they heard, the more bitter they became. Mila, Maggie, Sarah, Heather, and Kaley had spent their lives in some of the same areas featured on the show. They knew that a life could still be led in such a remote place while enjoying the advancements of society and the dishonesty of the show irked them more than anything.

As can happen in a group, an offhand comment became a joke. The joke then became a sarcastic plan. That plan then somehow began formulating itself into a possible reality. That possible reality was now actuality as the girls took turns in the cramped bathroom of the lodge. Hoonah was just as they remembered and much like all the other small communities they frequented as little girls excitedly hopping on the decks of the their family's boats.

Their plan was a little nefarious. It wasn't in any way kind at all either. But they justified their plan as restitution for the place they loved so much being used for financial gain and false celebrity. There were plenty of outlets online that felt similarly that would gladly accept the fruits of their plan. The hatred for the family in the show seemed as great as the amount of their fans. They'd eat up their diabolical plan as much as anyone. Sometimes it just felt good to be the 'mean girls'. The more they discussed what was to come, the more menacing they became.

"Now....everyone remembers their job right?" Maggie asked the group. She tended to take lead on most group efforts and it didn't make much sense to change things up now. She bumped her sister with her hip.

"Yeah, yeah Mags, we've gone over this a billion times. We get their attention, get them sweet on us then..." Mila raised her eyebrows a few times as if to wordlessly appease her sister.

" not flake out on us." Maggie pointed a freshly painted fingernail at Sarah who was chewing her lip. She was the quiet one of the group, but was also in a constant desperate plea for Maggie's approval.

"I'm not! I won't! I think I know just what to do to lure that Noah in. He's so full of himself, he makes himself an easy target." Sarah said propping her eye open to touch up her eyeliner.

Heather tossed and tousled her hair. "Girl, please. That Gabe is going to be the easiest of all." Heather touched up her lipstick, kissing her lips to the mirror, "He'll be following me around like a puppy in two minutes."

Maggie laughed, "He'll be easier than that Bear I'm sure. I gotta figure out how to get him to climb me since I'm not a tree. Matt seems like he might take a little work...but I hear he's the Hoonah hound dog...might want to make sure he 'wraps up', Mila." Maggie nudged her, almost destroying her smoky eye application.

"Dammit Maggie!" Mila quickly fixed the smudge. " got your plan down? You've been awfully quiet. Or is that 'dark and brooding' idiot giving you second thoughts."

Kaley rolled her eyes. It wasn't a stretch to say that based on what she'd read and heard that the show insulted the life she actually grew up living. It was also no secret that most of the viciousness of the plan came from Mila and Maggie. Sure, she was invested in the plan, but she also came because she missed this area so much. She was more looking forward to this part being finished and exploring the wilderness of her youth.

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