Battle Sea Illyricum, Year 51AD.

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Glancing over the naval harbour Artemis and Marius counted the vessel that had survived the night .

" What did we lose ?"

" Make it two triremes and four biremes," Marius said. " Seems that those sailors were right about the boarding devices. Not that Vitellius will admit it . Maybe he'll listen next time."

Artemis turned to Marius with raised eyebrows.

" I know maybe he won't. This isn't the best start to this campaign of his. Think he'll go ahead with it."

" He has to. He's on the mission as us. The General won't stand for any excuses from him."

The moment the clouds began to disperse, the assembly signal rang out across the Base

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The moment the clouds began to disperse, the assembly signal rang out across the Base. The marines tumbled out of their barracks and formed up in their ship's companies, ready for order to board. Vitellius consulted with his senior sea going officers and the men of the ships that had been lost were distributed among the surviving craft. The final signal sounded out, the men tramped aboard the warships moored along the quay. Once each vessels had taken on its marines, it moved off and waited in the harbour as it's space was taken by the next .

Marius 's ship, a burner with the name painted on its bow, Athena, tied up and and lowered it's gangway. " I'll see you on the other side." He held out his hand to Artemis as if in final farewell.

Artemis looked at him softly and smiled," It's narrow stretch of sea, we'll met not the river styx, Marius."

" Perhaps," Marius glanced out the harbour towards the horizon. " I barely can't see the difference from where I'm standing.".

" Come on, we'll back on dry land by the end of tomorrow. "

" Problem, mate. I was afraid of water." Marius shook his head. " I swear, if we get through this alive. I'll never work with ships again."

" Let's hope you have that choice."

Marius nodded and turned briskly away and marched over to his ship and stepped gingerly along the boarding plank behind of his men. As soon as his boots thunder down on the deck the plank was hauled aboard, the mooring cables slipped from the stout wooden posts on the quay, and the sailors strained at long shafts of wood to easy the ship out into open water.

As the side of the ship Marius glanced back at Artemis, waved once and then took up his position behind the Captain on the raised aft deck. Artemis's bireme was one of the ships that had sunk, and his century was transfered on to the Spartan, a trireme. The unit that boarded ahead of him was commanded by Maximian. Artemis stiffened his back so that he could down at the marine officer, Maximian. " A word, if I may ?"

Maximian shrugged as Artemis stepped closer to him so that they would not overheard. " What?". Maximian asked .

" I'm a legionary Centurion. I have seniority here."

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