Lesson 03

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"Ah, Leanne! You look lovely! Good to see Annabelle got you all settled into things before I returned," Maika greeted, his sea-green eyes twinkling.

Leanne didn't return his smile. "What's this about a task I have to do, Maika?"

"Straight to the point are we? I suppose we're eager!" Everything Maika said seemed to carry his eagerness in the words. Normally this type of person annoyed Leanne, that day it aggravated her deeply. She had died and been brought to a place she had thought of as only a fantastical story and now she was being led around without knowing what exactly was going on. His happy attitude was wearing on her patience. "You've noticed, I am sure, that you have yet to receive your wings."

At this observation Leanne spared a quick glance over her shoulder. Indeed she had not grown a set of feathery, soft wings no matter what size. Her back remained limb free as of the moment and it had left her wondering. She nodded in response.

"It is because most people need to earn their wings."

"Wait, earn?" Leanne echoed before a brooding expression twisted her features. "Most people?"

"Yes," Maika's smile had begun to disappear then in place of a solemn one. "Mostly good-hearted persons who harbor dark thoughts from time to time - like yourself - and those who committed atrocious acts but are regretful and guilty over these things - these are the types who come and must earn their wings and their spot in heaven's hierarchical city. Depending on the person the task can be simple or difficult - sometimes it is even a handful of tasks."

Leanne allowed this information to sink in. Her dark gaze drifted to the dark marble floor beneath her feet. It was one of the few darkly colored things in this city she had seen so far and its endless blackness was broken up by streaks of white. "I see. And do we have an idea of what I'm going to be doing?"

"We do."


"You have just one task to complete to prove yourself. Please, sit," Maika gestured to the seat behind her. "We will spare some time and talk out what you are to be doing. We will not send you in blindly, not intentionally."

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