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*Tris POV*

"W-Will isn't dead. He is alive." I stutter about to cry.

"W-what?" She has surprise and love in her eyes and I burst out crying.

"He is alive." I repeat.

"Tris? Why are you crying?!? This is amazing! Is he coming to??" Christina was now jumping up and down.

"He is coming tomorrow at lunch." I whisper. She stopped jumping and came to me.

"Hey why are you so sad?" She asked gently.

"Cr-Cristina, he is coming to see me." I sob.

"What do you mean." She asked trembling already knowing the answer.

"We have been dating since they took us hold after our 'deaths'. We were in a cell we only had each other. Cris please understand. Please I can't lose my best friend. if you want I can break up?!." I wake for her reaction.

"I think I understand. I mean you must of been hurt when I was kissing Four. Oh so you think he misses me?? Will you really break up?" I am flooded with relief at her sudden questions.

"I am sure he misses you. And when he gets here I will break up with him. I need a break from boys anyway." I tell her.

"Oh Tris. I am so happy your back! We should probably sleep it's gonna be a big day tomorrow!! Oh I need to go shopping still!" She bursts out and I laugh.

"Okay. Goodnight see ya tomorrow." I say and go to my room.

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