Chapter Seventeen - Sheila

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Sheila watched Gideon closely. Surprising how easily she found herself thinking of him by his Christian name. She really had to be vigilant about using his title aloud. She didn't want to encourage him to pursue his intention to court her. She simply could not marry him and that was the end of it. But she had to admire his equilibrium.

He didn't seem upset by the news of a secret tunnel. Curious and surprised, but more concerned than anything. Mary continued to squirm, reluctant to speak. Sheila decided she had better be more precise in her admission.

"I found the entrance when I was exploring the cottage."

"And this is how Mary has been traveling between the two properties." He concluded with some disbelief as he looked to the child for confirmation.

The blonde braids bobbed as she met his gaze, slowly nodding.

"What's a tunnel?" Roddy piped up curiously.

"It is a long, sloping shaft cut into the rock with two tightly curving stairwells and two rest areas." Sheila answered, as much for the boy as for the man.

"Where? Can I see it?" Roddy demanded, pushing himself up excitedly in his chair.

"You have been through it then?" Gideon asked quietly, ignoring the boy's enthusiasm.

She truly admired the man's unusual ability to regain his equilibrium so quickly. Any other man would angrily berate the child for venturing into such a dangerous place alone. He seemed to be accepting the news with remarkable ease.

"I have investigated as far as the cold storage under Chesterton Hall."

"The cold storage?" Again, he seemed surprised. "You mean the shaft opens into the old dungeons under the kitchens?"

"Yes." She nodded. "But the entrance is bricked over. There's only a small hole knocked through." She motioned with her hands, approximating the size of the opening she described.

"The bricks were tumbling down," Mary added. "So Papa fixed it. He said never to tell anybody in case they discover the treasure."

"Treasure? Like pirates? Can I see it?" Roddy bounced excitedly in his seat.

"What treasure?" Gideon tilted his head as he frowned in consternation.

"I don't know. Papa never explained. He just said not to tell." Sudden tears began to well up in those innocent blue eyes. "And now I told."

The girl began to sob and threw her hands up to cover her little face. Sheila pushed back her chair with the intention of hurrying to embrace the child. But before she could get to her feet, Gideon had moved. She was utterly surprised when he reached past her and lifted little Mary into his lap, wrapping her in his strong arms. He rocked and shushed her so gently, Sheila was almost envious. Both of the child, receiving such a tenderly comforting embrace, and of the man's ability to offer such loving comfort.

"Hush, Pet." He shushed her, gently caressing her hair and rubbing her back.

"Papa will be angry with me." She sobbed pitifully.

"No, Pet. He won't be angry, I promise."

The child buried her little face in his neck and continued to sob. Gideon sighed, his mouth pinched, his brow furrowed in concern. He didn't seem to care how his neckcloth was being ruined. His only concern was the weeping girl.

"Why is Mary crying?" Roddy demanded jumping to his feet on his chair.

"She's just upset, Roddy-lad." Gideon reassured the boy softly, reaching out to ruffle those dark wavy locks as he allowed Mary to sob on his shoulder.

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