Chapter 14 - Dreadful Feeling

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*one week later*

Ashton and I skipped merrily through the Mall of America, towards the amusement park. We had just finished up our ice cream from our favorite shop and were prepared to do something fun. "I haven't been on the rides here in so long," Ash said, remembering the one time we had gone here as children. "I was so scared back then that I didn't go on any of the big rides."

I laughed at him, thinking about how our parents had just given us tickets and allowed us to roam free. "Not today, though!" I excitedly announced. Ashton and I played for our tickets for the rides quickly once we arrived.

"I don't know," my brother hesitated, looking up at the tallest roller coaster.

"Come on, Ash," I nudged him. "Life's short. Take risks. Do what excites you!"

Ashton looked down at me, life shining brightly in his eyes. He grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards one of the larger rides. "You know, you've been giving a lot of good advice lately," He panted to me, hustling towards the rather short line. I chuckled, ignoring his comment with a simple shrug of my shoulders.

We gave the worker our tickets, and I suddenly saw Ashton get very nervous. "What if I die?" He whispered fearfully, observing the tall structure.

"Believe me, a roller coaster is not going to be what kills you," I muttered in a salty tone, quiet enough that not even Ash heard me. We boarded the ride, buckling up and pulling down our lapbars. Ash breathed deeply and gripped my hand tightly.

I smiled at him, glancing at his panic stricken features. "Why am I doing this?" He questioned, shutting his eyes tightly. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Calm down," I whispered in his ear, lacing my fingers with his. "You're doing this because you want to, no matter the danger. We're taking risks."

Slowly, the coaster began descending upwards. "Taking risks," Ashton breathed out just as slowly. Out of nowhere, the ride dropped and Ashton screamed at the top of his lungs. His eyes flew open and his grip on my hand was so tight that I might as well have been purple.

I whooped at the adrenaline and happiness pumping through my veins, causing Ashton's wide eyes to direct their attention to me. I hollered once more, urging Ash to do the same.

Soon enough, we were yelling together, in ridiculously perfect harmony.


*one day later*

It was awful. The feeling in my stomach. And it hadn't gone away all morning.

The second I woke up I felt it. The pure dread.

I drove to school slowly, taking Tylenol and Advil at the same time to get rid of that horrible feeling. Nothing worked.

I arrived, stalking across the school in almost a dreamlike state to my locker. I didn't feel well enough to even have the energy to kick my locker open, so instead I put in my combination like everyone else in the school did.

Corey and Samantha and Hazel visited me. Hazel and Sam bickered before taking their argument to the women's restroom. Corey declared that he would carry my stuff and bring me to class. I didn't feel the need to argue so I allowed him to.

My first hour went terribly. I couldn't focus on math the entire time, only my feeling. It didn't come from my stomach like I had originally thought. It was something deeper, like my heart, or my soul.

I dragged myself out of my first hour and skipped seeing Hazel at her locker on my way to second hour. I laid my head in my arms during the entirety of second period. I didn't interpret a single thing the teacher said.

It went on like so until lunch.

I walked past the line, knowing I would throw up if I ate anything. I sat down in my usual seat. Hazel and Samantha shared a lunch. Celine and Ryder traded seats so as Celine could sit next to Caden. Corey told me a story the whole time, but I didn't remember any of it afterwards.

The feeling was taking over me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was dreadful.

Sixth period was about to start when my phone rang. It was my mother. I ignored the call and let it ring out. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Sixth period started when I was still slowly walking to it. I didn't care that I was late.

My phone rang again. It was my mother once more. I finally answered it and put it to my ear, not saying anything.

"Where are you?" She practically shouted, nearly breaking me out of my strange trance. My mom sounded very shaken up and worried.

"I'm at school. What's going on, Mom?" I simply replied, feeling the urge to vomit, along with my dread, grow stronger.

"I'm picking you up right now."

I felt my senses become more alert. The awful feeling did not subside. I immediately asked tons of questions, naturally. "What? Why? Is something wrong with the baby?"

"No. Ashton."

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