Chapter 5 - Pretend Disgust

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It was the first time I had been kissed since kindergarten, so of course it felt weird. But I didn't expect it to feel that weird. It was clear that Corey was experienced with the way he kissed me. In the books, they always talk about feeling emotions when people kiss, but I felt nothing other than the strangeness of Corey's full lips kissing mine. To be fair, I never really felt any emotions in general other than anger, except for when I was with Ash.

I stayed stock still and didn't kiss back at all the entire mildly quick lip lock. My arms were stiff as they stayed wrapped around his neck. Thankfully, he kept his hands in their place on my hips, while his eyes were shut tightly. Corey pulled away and took a deep breath. He smiled shakily at me, who's eyes were wide and had remained that way throughout the entirety of the kiss, before turning around to face the crowd. He grabbed my hand and raised it up triumphantly.

The people went wild taking pictures. I was left in shock, but then sent them an evil grin at the thought of June seeing us in our 'intimate' positions.

The first hour bell rang and the crowd departed. I yanked my hand out of Corey's. I began marching angrily to my first hour class before I was stopped by Corey. He smirked at me smugly and looked in my eyes.

"I told you I'd kiss you."

"Is that all you have to say? Because I need to get to first hour and you're wasting my time," I angrily replied.

Corey's smirk faded a bit as he thought. I attempted to rip my wrist out his hand once more, but failed. His hand clutched my wrist desperately, as if begging for attention. I huffed out a frusterated breath and stuck my free hand on one of my hips. "That kiss would've been really nice if you had kissed back," He finally spoke. I scrunched my eyebrows together in a scowl.

"It's a good thing I didn't kiss back then, isn't it?" I nonchalantly responded. Corey looked the slightest bit hurt before he paled a lot at a sight behind me. I whipped around to see what the drama was.

June had turned around the corner of our hallway, head down looking at her phone, but hadn't spotted us yet. I acted quickly, gripping Corey's bisep a little too hard and laughing a little too loud.

"Ah, Corey, you're sooooo funny!" I shouted, sarcasm drilled into my voice, but unnoticable to June, just like old times. She looked up and saw us. I could clearly see a picture of Corey kissing me on her phone screen.

I grinned menacingly, looking June in her pained eyes. She was clearly very emotional. She scowled deeply at me, which was a very unattractive look on her. To be completely honest, though, every look was a very unattractive look on her. Corey suddenly grabbed my waist and dipped me like in the annoying romamce movies I would watch with Ashton when we were younger. He was always into romance, but I only watched them because he wanted to.

Corey gave me a wicked grin and quick eyebrow wiggle before placing his lips on mine once more. I dug my nails into his bicep, causing him to nearly drop me. His lips were attempting to lure me in, to no avail. I remained unmoving for the entirety of his kiss, once again. I heard June's footsteps run past us, but Corey still locked his lips onto mine.

The bell rang, surprising Corey so much that he let go of me. I fell on my ass on the floor, groaning. Thankfully, June was gone, but that also meant that she had made it to first hour on time, unlike me. Corey offered me a hand to get up, but I refused, like a whiny child. I turned away and he sighed audibly. Ignoring him, I got up by myself. I began marching off towards the girl's gym locker room. I decided to skip class since I was already late and I hadn't done my homework.

On my way there, I kicked my locker for it to burst open. Shoving my books inside, I looked around to make sure no one was near me. I slammed my locler shut harshly, holding my phone in my hand. It was blowing up with notifications from Instagram and Snapchat from people who wanted to know more about Corey and I. Tiptoeing my way to the locker room in order for no teachers or goody two shoe students to catch me, I turned it off all the way.

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