First encounter

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"Emma, aren't you gonna study for the exams? Mr. Marvin said it'll gonna be difficult."

Alex stated as they headed out for the exit of the school. Emma shrugged and sighed a deep exhale for she wasn't expecting that someone like Alex would be talking to her.

"You know Emma, you should be happy that I'm talking to you right now, you're smart but you don't listen, half of me is saying that maybe you're not that smart at all, you don't care about anything and that's what I'm gonna do to you."

Alex said as she stomped away from her.  Emma was still silent, pretending she wasn't able to hear again what she said but as she was walking home, it began to hurt, the words became clear like notes from the piano back when she was at the church with every step she took forward, but then had the courage to just put it aside, and then she saw Scott walking just at the opposite sidewalk to where she was. She stared at him for a moment but then made her way to her house, entered her room and dropped her bag, she then stripped her uniform off of her and changed it to her usual pajamas, as she was tying her hair, she then spotted him again through her window but then he was already walking away from town,

"Where the hell are you going?"

She stated to herself as she watched him disappear from the trees.

Emma walked down the streets, passing the Town's Library and saw Miranda and Alex studying together through the large window located at the front side of the entrance. She wasn't planning to study with them, neither them too. She then switched her direction somewhere and was headed to the church again, she then saw Darwin, watering his garden. She approached him and he seemed surprised to see her,

"What brings you here again, Emma?"
"Just gonna check something inside."
"Forgot something?"
"No, just remembered something."

Darwin sighed, taking off his gloves and followed her. Emma excitedly stepped inside the church and glances at the front altar but no one was there, he wasn't there again, she was disappointed yet again. Darwin stood behind her and glanced to where she was looking,

"Why are you watching the altar?"
"I'm not."
"Then where?"
"I'm not watching, I'm just imagining."
"And what is that?"
"You ask too many questions."
"I'm curious."

Emma stood silent with her hands in her pocket and sighed, she then turned her back to the altar and stepped out of the church, leaving Darwin curious as ever,

"If you're looking for the pianist, just ask me."

That statement was Emma's expectation of Darwin saying it but it didn't came true. She left the church with her head down and kicked every rock she sees on her path when suddenly somebody called out for her,

"Hey, don't kick the rocks. You might hurt someone."

She glances up and found a gorgeous male standing there. He was wearing skinny jeans, a tank top with an imprint of Joy Division, and a bracelet in his arm. His face was as similar as Scott and taught it was really him,

"Scott? Is that you?"
"The name's Charles, Charles Brien, and you are?"
"Emma Sterling, Are you really not Scott because you really look like him.
"DoesCharles has the same letters as Scott? Obviously not, right?"

He then walked past her, heading towards the church which made her feelings flutter, is he the pianist, is it really him already?

"Where are you heading?"
"Inside the church."
"For a reason."
"And what is that?"
"You ask too many questions."

He glances at her speechless expression and placed his index finger on his lips,

"Don't you think someone's watching? Keep your voice down."

He stated as he stepped inside the church and vanished from the shadows,

"I don't listen to anyone!"

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