Chapter 2

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Brin looks at the gather mobian researches and wonder what he should do and how to escape. I then saw the Albino hedgehog pull out a machine from his coat pocket slowly, whatever it was I'm not going to stay here any longer. I crept a little closer to them, they didn't move, I kept crawling closer and closer to them slowly by slowly till then BANG I've been shot by that Albino hedgehog.

I give an surprised and shock hiss as I then panicked and ran away as swiftly and quickly as I can, letting them eat my dust. I then looked around, trying to find a way to hide, away from them, but I kept slowing down more and more, my energy feels like it had been drained. What did he shoot me with? I look at the location he shot me and that's when I notice on my left shoulder, it looked like a needle with a small feathered tail. I tilte my head and then pulls the needle out of my shoulder. I give an small hiss of pain.

I then stopped completely as my vision became a blur and I was getting very dizzy. I then fell to the ground, unable to move, It was like I passed out but my eyes were half-way open and I can hardly see my surroundings even my hearing wasn't sensitive anymore. I lied there and I looked like I was as good as dead.

An hour went by, It was still raining, and I still couldn't move but my seeing and hearing became a little better. I tried moving my fingers and my tail, nothing happened. Then I started to hear footsteps coming closer to me, then I saw them, hiding in a bush, the Researchers that did this to me. I tried talking or hissing at them but nothing came out, only soft whimpers. I can't believe it, I was cornered, captured, by Mobians...I feel like a disgrace to my people. I saw the two ebony hedgehogs walked closer to me, then one of them turned and gave their crew a smile.

"Nice shot back there Silver, thankfully one of us thought of taking out their tranquilizer guns before this creature ran away." The ebony hedgehog with the red streaks said to the Albino hedgehog who was named Silver.

"Heheh well, I did do pretty good back there." Silver said as he rubbed the back of his head and gives an small smile

"We need to call the others and tell them to bring the transport vehicle here immediately before the paralyze wears off." The ground squirrel said as she took a walkie-talkie device and called her assistance.

Brin feels he can slightly move his ears and lowers them. Where did they plan on taking me? If I last much longer in this rain I'll surely will become ill in no time. Brin gives another soft whimper. The ebony hedgehog with the pale aqua streaks walked up to me and started examining my body. I really just want to eat the creature for doing this to me and I tried to glare at him but it didn't work and I just whimpers again. The ebony hedgehog placed his ear on my chest to hear my powerful heartbeat...I feel ashamed.

"Mephiles! What are you doing?!? Are you trying to ask for a Death Wish?!? Being to close to that creature! You could get eaten easily!" The Red echidna argued to the ebony hedgehog named Mephiles. And Mephiles just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right, His paralyzed. He can't do any harm to us besides we won't harm him as well. He'll be happy with us by the time we get him to the lab!" Shadow said with a smile on his tan muzzle as he stands next to Mephiles

"We still have to be careful with him Shadow, we can't use him like a toy to us. " The two-tail fox kit said.

"Miles is right Shadow, We can't use this beautiful creature as a toy. He'll only be for knowledge, only thing we know about these creatures is that their immortal. " The white bat explained.

"Actually, Their either Immortal or just have a very long life span. " The pink hedgehog stated. 

Brin, frowns at what they said. I'm only 17 years old thank you very much...My birthday isn't far away either. How rude of them to think I'm some kind of extremely old Naganior, if they want to ask age questions, they should tell or ask some other Nagas for that....Plus even I don't know if we're Immortals. If we are then that'll explain why some of the older Nagas always look like they're in their late 20's or early 30's.

"Okay the transport truck will be on it's way, for now lets at least try and find shelter for the poor creature from the rain cause look." The ground squirrel said as she pointed at me. My face was beginning to turn pale, I was getting ill very fast.

The group nodded and looked at Silver. Silver then nodded to an agreement that I don't know, then his eyes and hands started glowing this teal color as it seems and with that I was lifted off the...ground? What is this kind of magic?!? He moved me underneath a tree, I was placed gently back down on the ground near the tree's trunk, away from the falling rain. The Researchers walked up to me, some started examining me, others we're on devices that kinda interests me.

The two-tailed kitsune named Miles checked my temperature, his face was worried and sadden which tells me that I've became extremely ill within almost 2 hours cause of this heavy rainfall and cold winds. No wonder I kept whimpering every time I try to talk, then again I'm also scared... Miles showed the ground squirrel my temperature all she said was "Dammit we need to hurry and take him to the lab." Wait how did they found out I was a ma- Oh yeah I forget that female Nagas wear clothing and a lot of jewelry they can get their hands on, either that or those devices told them, Then again they called me a "He" when they were talking.

Minutes go by, the Researchers have been trying to keep me warm. They build a fireplace, using a certain machine to keep me warm. Too bad they don't have blankets that are my size. Soon the Transport Truck came, the back of the truck stopped in front of us. All I saw was a enormous rectangular box that seems to be the perfect exact size for me with holes around the size, probably for breathing purpose. The door of the box opened and inside it was a green hedgehog with arctic blue eyes and three scars on his chest. He wore red sunglasses too and he too had the same outfits as these Researchers. Then a green crocodile jumped out of the driver seat. So many Mobian Researchers...

"Finally you guys arrived." The red echidna said. 

"Hey Knux it's not our fault that the rain was heavy." The green hedgehog said to the red echidna who I'm guessing is named Knuckles...that'll explain the large fists size spiked gloves.

"Scourge is right, besides it seems like the rain is starting to lighten up." Miles said.

"Alright then, Knuckles, Mephiles, and Vector. Help me get this creature into the cargo." Shadow said to Knuckles, Mephiles and the green crocodile named Vector.

How are they going to lift me up? Aren't they going to use the Albino hedgehog, Silver? Shadow and Mephiles walked up to my face and head while Knuckles walked up to my waist and Vector at my tail. They start crawling underneath me then with that I was lift off the ground with ease. These creatures impress me...First the Albino Hedgehog with that magic and now these four creatures thay have some kind of super strength.

They carried me inside the giant box while Scourge was instructing them in front of me, Guessing they can't see where they're going. I was fully inside the box as they gently settled me down. The other Researchers were inside as well, Vector gave a smile and ran out the box and closed the doors then ran to the driver seat and started driving the vehicle.

Now the moment of truth, as I am taking away further and further from my home town...My home, the forest...
My eyes started to sting a little with tears started forming at the corner of my eyes. I laid there, unable to move, unable to talk, unable to defend myself. I cried silently hoping none of the Researchers saw me as tears fall off my cheek and onto the cold metal floor of this box....I wish this had never was happening and was back in the forest.

To be continued.....

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