Chapter 1

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It was an bright and sunny day. There was no cloud in the sky and the sun was shining brightly in the sky. Deep in the forest, in an clearing layed an huge Naga who looked like he just finished eating something.

This was Brin, An Naga. He had snowy colored fur and quills. Red bangs with slightly swirls in his hair that kinda covers up half his face. Two set of gold earrings with red gemsn on them on both his ears. Slight upturned quills with some of the quills with red stripes on them. He had bright blue eyes and peach muzzle. An blue rhombus and moon shaped markings on his left muzzle cheek and an blue color around his neck.

Bright fluffy red chest fur. Two sets of gold bracelets with gems in them around his wrists. With two red stripes, making two of his fingers red on each hand. An brown stripes with an blue raindrop gem around his waist. An long green with an few red stripes, showing on his snake tail. With an the end was another gold bracelet with an red gem wrapped around near the end of his tail.

He's an naga from Nagator Forest. Thou to others, like normal mobians or human, it's called Hell and/or Death Forest. Where most humans try to find the Nagator's home to steal their treasure from them. To bad they alway get caught and eaten by the Nagas.

As I lick the blood off my razor sharp claws, I thinks to myself, wondering what to do next after I finished disgusted my meal, which shouldn't take to long since I have good metabolism. I stands up and stretches as I still wonder what to do.

After an few mintues I just decided to find an cave to sleep in until later or tomorrow and find something to do then. So, I give one more stretches before I slither off, going deeper into the forest, on the search for an cave to sleep in

After an while an while, Brin finally finds an cave and slithers inside and looks about," This'll do." He said smiling as he leaves the cave and gathers some fruit and berries to eat later and some wood to make himself and an fire

After gathering everything that I need and went back inside the cave and I try to make a fire, I failed a couple of times but the third try was a success. As the fireplace lit and I stayed close to the fire so I can average my body temperature. I wasn't to fond of the rain, I hated feeling cold, wet, damp, weak...helpless. I begin to stretch out my arms and lay down on the warm soft ground...Wait...warm?

I sniffed the grass.  'Humans?'  I thought to myself. ' How were there Humans here? Wait a sec...These don't smell like...Humans, It smells like those Mobians that live with those Human race. Then it's probably those "Researchers" that everyone was talking about. ' I started to think heavily about this till my sensitive hearing making my ears twitch to the sound of twigs breaking at the cave entrance. Brin shoot up and looks towards the Cave entrance and hopes those mobians dosen't enter the cave.

'Dammit! Has somebody already found my shelter?!'  I thought as I got ready for whatever is it, I forgot to bother blowing out the fire. The noise became more louder as small rocks were moved out the way as well, more and more and keeps sounding like there is more than one. Soon it was them, those "Researchers" I only saw three, but there could of been more.

One was a yellow fox, with an white muzzle and bright blue eyes and that he had two tails, Another was a Albino Hedgehog which had yellows eyes and his frontal spines that make it look like a cockatoo, and the third was a Red echidna with bright purple eyes. They all were wearing white lab coats with yellow raincoats hiding those disgusting white coats.

Brin freezes and frowns as he stares at them. He then shakes his head and crouches low and near the fire and he glares at the three mobians that I had dared to enter his cave. I must have been staring at them for a few minutes now when the yellow, two tailed fox sees me and hid mouth seemd to have dropped and he then started to shake.

I then glare at the fox and slithers closer, me watching the fox. The fox then starts to shake the other's shoulders to get their attention. Seeing that, I then starts to try and blow out the fire so I couldn't be seen but I ended in a fail when all three of them stared at me with wide eyes. I gasped softly as they all stare at me. I then growls loudly and warnly at them as I started to back away from the three trying to hide in the shadows. To be fair in all honest, I was quite much for my survival skills and stuff.

With my back against the rock wall I tried my hardest to be threaten by their appearance. My tactics kept failing when the Albino Hedgehog showed the rest of the Researchers that were gathering materials. There was a pink hedgehog, a blue hedgehog, a lavender cat, another hedgehog that was ebony black hedgehog with crimson red streaks, another ebony black hedgehog but with pale aqua stripes, a cream colored rabbit with brown tips, A white bat, A orange echidna with cream or peach tips at the ends of it's dreadlocks, and a brown ground squirrel. They all wore the same outfits.

I tried looking for an opening, an escape, But all I found was the entrance they block with the rain falling down heavily behind them. I cursed queitly to myslef and glares at them, trying to look threatening as I tried to find an way to eascape out of this cave and away from here and this researchers.

To be continued.....

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