Car Crash

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On the minds of Camp Half-Blood occupants the next morning was one thing:

Percy has gone missing once again.

No one knew how long he would be gone until someone looked at a paper that they bought that morning while heading back to camp after a weekend at home.

The headline?

Mysterious Delphi Strawberry Service Van in a Fatal Crash last Night Around 2 am

The story said that there was a collision and a rollover involving three cars.

Two people died and one person was in criticle condition in the hospital.

The driver of the van could only be one person.

Percy Jackson had been in a car accident.

No one could figure out why.

At the Zeus table however, the blonde haired boy and the black haired girl stared at each other in shock before bolting out of their seats and grabbing five other teens and bolting for a van.

The elvish son of Hephaestus drove carefully but quickly as he panicked in his mind.

They finally reached the hospital and asked for Jackson.

When the nurse showed them to the room they new trouble was on the way.

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