The Quest

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The tension held the air a little bit too tightly that one day at Camp Half-Blood.

Annabeth, Piper, and Leo were supposed to be back from their quest three days ago.

And everyone was worried something had happened.

Percy paced up and down around the pavilion muttering things anywhere in the range of apples to zebra mutant attacks.

A loud thud sounded at the beach.

Perking up Percy raced towards the water where a large ship with a golden dragon's head on the front was waiting.

Something stopped him dead in his tracks.

A blonde girl was laying on the sand, her curly, tangled locks fanned out around her. Her skin was death pale.

Another girl was sitting next to her with her face buried in her knees crying loudly.


A large crowd of weapon yielding kids in orange shirts flooded around Percy towards Annabeth and Piper.

Finally Percy walked up to them.

"Annabeth?" He said in a hushed tone.

"Per-cy." She managed to say in a hoarse whisper.

Her eyes hazed up and focused on the sky as the shaking, uneven rising of her chest stopped.

Annabeth Chase had died.

Way to young.

With so much life to live.

She was only eighteen.

And she had survived tarturaus but what killed her then?

What killed her?

Percy though he was dreaming because he had blacked out and woke up days later.

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