I copy pasted this picture from google for my cover! Do you like it?

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Factors of you wanting to read a story?

Well first there's grammar and punctuation. I mean, you would hate stories that have no grammar and spelling mistakes everywhere. Am I correct?

A good description. It's the thing that gets you intrigued, is it not?

A GOOD FUCKING COVER. Something with A TITLE. Or that's clear so that you can see what's going on! NOT A FUCKING PICTURE OF YOUR DOG.

If you can't make covers, please go find a cover artisit for you. Hell, if your reading this and you need a cover please tell me! I make most of my covers, if I'm not lazy, that is.

I've seen so many covers that look like you took a picture of you dog and used it as your cover saying it's a "Wolf" Oh bitch please. A dog is a generation of the wolf, yes. But do you really think that if you were a werewolf that you'd change into a fucking dog? No, you wouldn't because you'd turn into a WOLF. W. O. L. F.

You want to make your own covers? Fine, but DON'T USE SHITTY ASS GOOGLE IMAGES.

Use WeHeartIt for your picture then open it in pizap or picmonkey! THEN ADD A TITLE.

And what is it with these fucking long titles?

im just a teenage girl who goes to highschool but im in love with a vampire. oh yeah did i mention that im a werewolf?


First off, where's your sence of grammar and capitalisation? I see your title and immediately know that your not even going to capitalise a fucking I so why would I want to read you story?

Your title is basically a run-on sentence. Do you really think I want to read a story full of run on sentences? No, I don't.

So people of the watty world, if you need a cover; GO TO THE BOOKCOVER FORUM, AND LOOK FOR SOMETHING YOU LIKE.

If you have a picture as your cover, you look unproffesional, and that doesn't want me to read your book, not in the least.

Oh but my book has more reads than yours does!

Do you really think I give a fuck? Seriously, do you?

Fuck, those red default covers look better than your blurry, pixelated, picture of your dog as your cover.

Sorry if I offended anyone. But c'mon. You seem like a fucking 12 year old when you do shit like that.

Rants From A Psycho GirlWhere stories live. Discover now