
108 14 2

Relationships shift 

without us knowing. 

And suddenly, our hands are clasped


woven fingers,

our entagled thoughts.

Before us,

a sky that is a colour

more than blue

and fields, as golden

as your hair,

rise and fall

as if the land is inhaling

and exhaling

the sweet summer air. 

I temporarily detatch myself 

from you

(for now it is difficult 

to stay away) 

and run. 

The barley ears tickle my legs,

the sun is warm on my skin. 

Before us,

we were strangers.

Old friends,


Now we are not

a 'throw-away couple',

because we need each other.

We rely on eachother.

We have a garden 

planted between us

and you are the sun,

I am the rain. 

The flowers are growing. 

Without us knowing,

we have become entagled,

there are fireworks of vivid colour

drawing us together

and you have always been the light.

I think it's okay to say

I depend on you

more than you 

will ever need me.

Just stay a bit longer.

Let the summer days be endless and warm.

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