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The ticking was nonstop. I don’t get it. If girls keep falling for me, why won't the ticking stop? I've met plenty of girls before. Surely at least one of them was my soulmate. But no, the ticking is endless. I will be forever alone. I might as well give up trying. I click the pause button on the video that I was watching. I have to pack if I’m spending the next few weeks with them while my parents are gone. Like they always are. 

I walk into my room and climb over the huge mess of clothes on my floor. I pick some up and stuff them in a bag. Who needs hygiene when you’re forever alone? I throw my charger in and stuff my phone into my back pocket. I stop by the mirror and look into it. My newly cut blond hair with its orange tint to it is cut just after my ears. My brown eyes seem to be empty, which is weird considering how many secrets they hold. I hear a knock at my door. Tap tap tap tap tap. 5 knocks. It’s Tyler. We made that a special code. Don’t want any burglars. Then again, if there was a break in, I would be looking for money with them. I open it up. Tyler walks in uninvited, like always. His black hair obviously needed to be cut. It swooped like a tsunami. Although, if I were a girl, I guess I would go for it, considering it contrasts his light brown skin. Wait, what am I saying?

“Kai, dude, guess what. That girl Marissa that lives across the street from me has a cousin that just moved in. A whole new start. Should we hit her up?” Typical Tyler. Always looking for love. Well not love. Always looking to make love, if you know what I mean. “Depends,” I reply, not looking at him as I put my leash into the bag. It’s always my answer. I wait for the usual reply. “Depends on what?” he asks. I shake my head. I could never tell him exactly what I mean. “Like always, she has to be hot. She has to be athletic. And she has to like me. The last one failed on Marissa.” He laughs. “Yeah, she obviously wasn’t happy with either of us. I still have the bruise where she kicked me.” He lifts his shirt and I see a blue-black mark on his side. “Yeah, me too.” I show a bruise in the same spot Tyler has on my side. He says, “Come on. My mom’s waiting. I nod and run into the garage. I grab my surfboard and run back through the house, locking the door behind me. Before you know anything about me, I absolutely love surfing. It’s my life. And if I do say so myself, I'm decently good at it. Let’s see. What else should you know about me? Well, I am considered "hot" in my school. But if that were true, why won't that God awful ticking stop? I run out towards the yellow jeep with two surfboards sticking out the back.

But through all the sounds, the sound of my feet hitting the concrete, the engine in park, the birds chirping in the treetops, I still here that ticking. Endless. Nonstop. Tortuous.

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