The End

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What happened afterwards? Alice got back her body. The other two wizards were apprehended and punished. The towers on the White Witch Mountains became the new Council’s house headed of course by Sophia.

Then, there were a lot of rejoicing on the Upper Village but the people down on the Lower Village were totally unaffected. It didn’t surprise me though. So, life came back to normal as though nothing had happened. Sophia and Ellie became heads of their families and would usually come to my bookstore and reminisce of the past and wonder a lot about the future.

Alice, the real one, was welcomed into Clyde’s family and there was much apologizing on both parties. She was also finally recognized by the magical society and the royal family was seated again on their throne. The royal palace was opened and celebrations of all sorts ensued. The Upper Village was only too glad to have an excuse to celebrate and visit the palace that they had once forsaken. Alice, on the other hand, didn’t seem to get used to living. She was always worried and nervous and some thought that it was not yet over for the royal family. Ellie, thankfully, was able to assure Alice and everyone else that the evil soul would not come back to haunt her and cause chaos among them. Meanwhile, Sophia was again on a mission to teach Alice what she had missed while she was on the realm of the dead. Then Alice had dragged us into all sorts of mission which Sophia was only too happy to do. We travelled to places we didn’t even know existed and met creatures that we only know in stories. It as though Alice was looking for something. We saved a few lost souls and defeated a few evil ones on those travels. When we come back home, Alice was always uneasy and restless. She would check on the Upper and Lower Villages for any disturbance and acted immediately in case there was trouble brewing. It was only then that we realized what Alice was really doing. She was not afraid of the evil soul coming back. She was as obsessed as Sophia was with saving everyone. Of making sure none of the horrors she has suffered would befall on innocent and unsuspecting persons. Alice went through her life saving and fighting evil magicians, demons and just about everything that wanted and wished harm on anything and anyone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2012 ⏰

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