Chapter Two

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            This is not my story. I am part of it though. The name is Ann Goodheart. I am born to one of the most notorious clan in the Realm. But, I have long ago walked a different path from that of my relatives.  You see, we are known for being sly and cruel at business. We kill and build empires for other people. That was before the Great War though. War has become overrated among magical beings seeing as how it only leads to further rebellions and a destruction of kingdoms. Now, they just try to make themselves more powerful to instil respect and fear from their objects. So, while my family tries to gain more power, I decided to be a book seller. They were so outraged with it they banished me from home. They didn’t dare severe our family connection though because I’m the only living direct heir of the patriarch. I am also one of the only living family members who have regained the original magic.

            That is the only thing that makes me special though. Physically, I’m a very average looking eighteen years old. My hair, it’s golden, straight and smooth. That is probably the only thing I could be proud of. My eyes are brown and my lips small and pale. My height, I could say slightly taller for my age.

            Intellectually, I’m the owner of a bookstore. I don’t think I have to elaborate anymore. My sister who has always kept in touch with me all these years used to tell me that I could attract many boys because I’m a good conversationalist. I wish I was more though. Considering I have one of the original magic, I could really be more. But, then, meeting people is always a strain for me. So, I remain to be a very normal magical being compared to my friends.

            My friends, they are special indeed. They are the very core of beauty and brilliance and it is no wonder because they came from the most prominent, elite and powerful families of the Upper Village. Okay, so I maybe am exaggerating here. I mean, what can I say, they are my friends.

            First stop is Ellie. She is the person that has a built in magnet in her self. But, she also turns it off most of the times. She only uses it at her will. When she wants someone or something, click, and it’s turned on and that someone or something comes to her just like that. No effort necessary on her part. All she has to do is wait very impatiently. Yes, she is an impatient girl and she is also stubborn. She will do whatever she wants to do when she wants to do it.

            I am not necessarily close to her. She is more of an outdoor person. She likes archery and other cool stuff. She was one of the girls who graduated at magic school with honours. She is great at everything she does especially if it has something to do with sports. Sometimes this makes her a bit of a snob with other people. People she doesn’t know and doesn’t care about. She’s not an Ice Queen though. That title fits Alice better than Ellie, because she might not be as friendly as the others would’ve liked, but if she decides to be your friend, she’ll always be there when you need her. She can also flash you with that sparkling smile of hers that will surely make you smile back. It never failed yet. 

            And, there’s more. She is also a beauty. Not what you would call ravishingly beautiful or princess like. She’s more stunning than pretty. She is tall for her age. She has the most gorgeous raven hair. Her huge gray eyes complement her hair making her look more strangely enchanting.  Most boys are crazy about her but she’s too intimidating to talk to. There are times where some foolishly steps up in front of her and dazzle her with their good looks and charming wits. Some succeeds but most of them fail. 

            She and I have never really bonded. Come to think of it, I have never been at her house. She has the most mysterious family background aside from Alice in our circle of friends. She never said anything about them. I only heard her talk about her father once. That he was a wizard. And that she lives in the Upper Village where my family also lives which means that she is also a member of some clan. I have no idea what and I never really took it in my head to find out.

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