Chapter 2

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I had given up with my Art assignment, after cutting endless amount of pictures on various magazines and gluing it onto the white A3 cardboard, I wasn’t even so sure of what I was doing myself.  I let out a frustrated groan before reaching over to my phone to see 3 missed calls from Asia. I slid my phone under the pillow before diving onto my bed, the coolness of the quilt making me pull in closer. The faint sound of ‘FKA Twigs two weeks’ playing through my headphones, I closed my eyes attempting to indulge in my sleep when a flashback of yesterday’s canteen havoc replayed in my mind. How hard was it to stay invisible and avoid embarrassing encounters? I thought aloud. I rolled over smothering the pillow over my face to let out another frustrated scream before rummaging through the sheets to pull out my phone to text Asia

Wake up! Urgh please tell me how bad my reaction was from today?

You handled it pretty well tbh, I would’ve practically lashed out on him – Dis chiney ting.

I can’t stop replaying it in my head mann, why is it always me pls?

You’re still thinking about it? It’s because you have a gift from the Gods x x x – Dis chiney ting.

Kjsjhsjasj urgh Asia

Bills, you handled it well trust me, I’m sure the whole canteen heard us roaring after so it’s not like you were embarrassed on your ones, plus Leon got a feel of your likkle dumplings and secured a few manlikes... so you’re basically Beyonce now*manicured hand emoji* , stop worrying about it and get some sleep hun – Dis chiney ting

Lmaoo, don’t even remind me, thanks Aish, nightttttt x

Night night hun, don’t let Leon bite *eye emojis* - Dis chiney ting. 

I locked my phone before collapsing back into bed actually indulging in sleep this time.


I loved coming to the library at this time, it wasn’t overwhelmed with a bunch of first years ‘trying’ to ‘study’ and neither was it packed with the second years complaining about how moist they thought the first years were. It probably just hit eight, I knew I didn’t have another lesson until Period 3 but still the strong smell of coffee coming from the librarian’s office and the whirring sound of the water dispenser on the left comforted me. I could’ve stayed in bed but seeing how shit the weather was I knew I probably would’ve stayed there all day if I didn’t budge. I scanned the library quickly to see if I could see anyone I recognized before deciding to sit in my spot, ‘the beanbag area’ in the left corner situated near the window; it was chill, closed off with a small narrow wall and another large row of books that no one really tended to, you would have to walk further down the library and make a left to find this place, no one really sat here much as everyone was content with the ‘social hub’ room in the library all situated with Macs and a vendor machine – which was dodgy and full of shit chocolate bars anyway.

I plugged my headphones in bopping to Schoolboy’s Q – Man of the year before laying out various magazines and hand-drawn nudes cutting through them.

I unlocked my phone as I felt a vibration on my lap

What time you coming in?-  Dis chiney ting

Already there @ the Libz 

Ew – Dis chiney ting

Lmao why?

Proper can’t stand that place, I’m coming in Period 3 do you want anything? – Dis chiney ting

Naah, hurryyy uppp

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