|99|School: Student Hacks

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A/N- this is the last of the school " series " , regular chapters will come maybe tomorrow

. You can remember the value of pi (3.145926) by counting each word's letter in " may I have a large container of coffee "

. Stop using " google.com" for essay info instead use " scholar.google.com" you'll find more relevant info right away

. RainyMood.com is a website that makes it sound like it is raining outside, which help concentration

. Download Photomath, it let you take photos of math problems & teaches you the correct way to solve it

. You're more likely to remember something written in blue ink than black

. Peppermint simulates the Brian & helps concentration

.eating chocolate/gum while studying help retain info

. Study for 30-50 minutes a time & take breaks of 19 minutes in between for better results

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