Chapter 5

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I was again walking in the hallways. This time, I was proudly showing off my AP Calculus test which I perfectly passed. I met up with Alex and Mike. Alex, was eventually bailed by her older sister. They made a vow never to tell on each other so the secret is safe once again.

"Crazy night last night, right?" Alex laughed. I nodded and laughed with her too.

"You have some Tylenol?" Mike groggily asked. I laughed even louder and longer and tossed some to him. He nodded in gratitude and headed to the little men's room. Everything just got funnier.

"I see you've got that high score to remove all suspicion on the secret." She smiled crookedly. I told her that it was actually nothing. Calculus isn't really that hard. Well, maybe it's easy for me only.

"It's a miracle that dismissal time became calm." I added. I looked around and saw only a few people rushing towards the exit. They consisted of comic book nerds, computer game nerds and dramatic art nerds. All nerds.

"It's either they're in detention." Alex popped a candy in her mouth. "or they got arrested.".

Mike finally came into view. He was half running and half stumbling while carrying a newspaper. It was the Daily Gossip paper.

"They hired a spy and took pictures of the scene itself." Mike told us breathlessly. "The picture was very blurry and we were unrecognisable, so it's all fine. But i had to steal this from an old lady and she beat me with her stick."

Alex and I glanced at each other and ended up laughing.

"God, I need a smoke right now." Alex lit up her cigarette while Mike offered me his whiskey. I, of course, happily accepted the offer.

It's funny how people underestimate others or judge a person by their appearance and how they act. You'll never know if they're certified actors. Maybe they just have a hidden animal.

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