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"Where the fuck are they?"

"Hoseok, it's only been 10 minutes. I'm sure they'll show up." Taehyung wrapped his arm around Hoseok's shoulder, giving him a light squeeze. The older man responded by tapping his foot impatiently on the ground, jaw clenching at the thought of both Jimin and Jeongguk disappearing.

"It's not like they got lost! They suggested this place." Hoseok's foot increased in tempo and as the others eyed his behavior it almost felt like each hit on the ground was vibrating through the concrete.

"It's okay. Calm down. Let's give them a few more minutes." Yoongi comfortingly rubs Hoseok's arm.

"They could have at least texted." Hoseok pouts, tapping his foot a few more times before stopping the distracting movement. Everyone collectively released their breath as the anger stricken man cooled down.

Five minutes later—five minutes of agonizing waiting with Namjoon and Jin constantly looking up and down the street, followed by Taehyung and Yoongi trying to keep Hoseok out of the danger zone of anger—the two lost boys finally made their appearance, nervously approaching the group of men.

With Hoseok on the brim of exploding, the two started explaining themselves quickly.

"We were just visiting his mom and we got carried away with the time and—"

The two boys looked towards each other ending in unison, "We're sorry." They bowed to the group, apologizing incessantly.

"It's alright, let's just get this party started." Hoseok breathed out, fingers massaging his temples. "I seriously thought you guys were gonna go off and disappear on us again."

"The fact that you have to say again makes it kind of funny," Jeongguk laughs out. Hoseok sends a mean glare towards him.

Jeongguk😈's Story:

Jeongguk😈's Story:

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The group of seven walk into the restaurant. They have to push two tables together to fit all of them but they end up all sitting next to their significant others. Eventually food is placed in front of the group, an arrangement of several different dishes, steam billowing up from the heaping plates.

Jimin speaks up, a wide smile spread across his face, "It's so nice to finally meet all of you! Let's dig in!" The group attacks the food hungrily, taking scoops from the various choices. They make conversation, laughs filling the restaurant.

Once finished with the food, the plates picked clean like the bones of an animal attacked by a gang of vultures, they paid the bill and walked outside. The afternoon sun splayed bright streaks of light onto the sidewalk, making the short walk to the arcade unbearably hot. By the time they set foot into the building, the group of boys was sweating profusely and dabbing at their forehead sweat.

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