In My Wildest Dreams

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Zoey grew up dreaming of finding her true love and living happily ever after, but grown-up Zoey is a curvy woman who doesn't recognize her worth and thinks that happily ever after is make-believe. She knows that true love does not exist, at least for someone like her. Then she meets Darren, a sweet and caring guy who happens to act a lot like the prince charming she imagined as a child and is just too perfect and sweet.As Zoey starts to fall for him and fall in love, she is met with the realization that it might all be too good to be true. After all, a love like this only exists in her wildest dreams. Right?

Authors Note:I originally had nine chapter of this book out, however I became stuck on the story line and have not worked on it for years. I am going through now, making rewrites, and taking the story in a different direction. To anyone who has read the first nine chapters in the past, it is still the same story it was then, with slightly better writing, however it will be moving in a different direction going forward. Let me just say though that my characters are the same, Zoey is still quarky and sweet and Darren is still just the best guy ever. I hope that you all enjoy this story and don't hate me for the direction I take it. The story honestly had no where to go and this idea has saved in and resparked the my interest in continuing it. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!-Samantha P.

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