Chapter one

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  • Dedicated to Nioami Lazicki RIP! Iloveyou<3

I dedicate this to Nioami. I love you so much girl, and I cant believe your gone. I hate alcohal and wish that guy never got in that car. Please, everyone reading this IDC if you go to a party, but dont drink if you have to drive home, if you do drink call a Desicnated driver to come get you or sleep there. No one should have to lose their life to a someone who made the wrong dicision. Especially Ashley&NIoami being only 13 and 15. Rest easy girls, cant believe my close friend practically sister is gone):  HERES THE STORY:

Why me? Why did they always have to pick on me? They disgust me, I have never done anything to them, infact I dont think I have ever said a word to them. I'm Nicole, I love writing, I think I have an account on every site that allows you to publish stories. Its my escape, if I'm not writing I am doing homework or sleeping. I dont have a social life as in getting invited to parties or other places because these two evil girls ruined me. Arielle and Elleni constantly start rumors about me and its been happening since 5th grade. No one likes me and all of the friends that I thought would like me for me and stick by my side eventually left. My only friends are Amy, Kayla, and Jasmine, Amy moved here three months ago and we get along great. Shes gorgeous and wears a lot of make-up, she always dresses nice like she has to impress someone. Mostly tight skirts, or khaki pants with a nice shirt.  Kayla has been here for two years and she is my next door neighbor. She dresses more normal, but still likes to show some of her chest, she isnt the prettiest girl in the world but she wasnt hideous. Jasmine has stuck by me since we were in Kindergarten, we are practically twins, we both have long brown hair, and hazel eyes. We like the same things and we dress exactly the same. Except we arent those "popular" girls who call eachother the night before so we could match the next day, it is just our style that was the same. We are unseparable.  Amy makes me unsure that she will be a true friend to us or not. I starred at a One Direction poster hanging on my wall, I had milllions but this one I liked most; they were all jumping up and holding cameras, they are so gorgeous. I fell asleep to the sound of rain pattering down on my window. When I woke up the next morning I got a shower and did the usual for school. I didnt dress very girly because it just wasnt me. I dressed in jeans, a sweatshirt and uggs. I straightened my hair before I ran to the bus stop. The side walk was very slippery and it was faintly snowing. The news said we would be getting hit with a lot of snow by tonight which meant we would only have a half day at school. When I got to school I went straight to my locker and saw Jasmine at hers, when I ran over to her, she was hanging a new Niall poster up and quietly but excited told me she just got tickets to their concert, and I was invited to go. We LOVE One Direction and without One Direction I dont think I would be able to handle life. They help me through everything, especially when Elleni stole my clothes in the locker room and purposally spilt milk down my shirt at lunch. I had to walk around smelling like sour milk and it looked like I peed my pants. Everyone made fun of me and I was a laughing stock, I didnt even want to go to school anymore and I started to be depressed but when One Direction became a band I would crank up their songs and it saved me. I love their Video Diaries they crack me up and Louis is too funny. I wish I knew them in real life. Would I still be picked on? I wondered but knew I would never find out. At school, it was really quiet because Arielle and Elleni werent there. It was one of the easiest days of my life, I decided to spend the night alone at home. I was getting bored and wasnt in the mood to write, so instead I checked Facebook for the first time in months, only to see myself posted everywhere because Elleni and Arielle told everyone that I commited suicide because of the horrible harrasment. Im guessing they felt cool or something but in my mind it was a sick joke and no one should ever say stuff like that. It was whatever; I let everyone know it wasnt true and they all believed what they wanted to believe. The next day at school it was the last day until we went on our Christmas break. The bell rang at 3:00 and I was taking my original route home by myself because Kayla went to visit her family back in Oklahoma. I was not expecting what was about to happen. Arielle jumped out and tackled me to the floor, started punching me and Elleni was kicking my ribs. A huge black bus turned the corner and the girls took off practically leaving me to die. I was laying in agony, by then I didnt care what happened to me, I was hoping to die. It would take me away from the misery. I guess the people in the bus saw me lying on the ground suffering, and pulled over because I heard a loud screech scream right into my ear. A boy about 6 feet tall walked over, my eyes were blurry so I couldnt tell if I knew him or not. He had straight hair, it looked like Justin Biebers old hair-do. Before I knew it, I was out cold. The last thing I remember is getting picked up in the arms of someone so gentle.

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