Sweaters and Cuddles

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Soo. this is my first one-shot. I hope you like it ♥︎

The picture on the top is what inspired this, I know it isn't SnowBaz, but I decided I would take it upon myself to make it🙈

So in this, Simon doesn't have wings, and he still has his magic. It is set after Carry On :D

Feel free to point out any mistakes 

Enjoy :D



"Crowley!" I mutter, looking at the parcel in my hands, "SNOW!" The scream echoes through the house. He better have a good explanation for this.

"Baz, you are aware others live here too," Bunce says, walking into the living room with a scowl pinned on her face. She's always complaining about me and Simon being too loud. That sounds like her problem.

"Well, I would like to inform you that your friend is an idiot." I shake my head and look at the item in my hands. I'm never taking Simon's advice again.

"I think he's still eating. And you know what he's like with food. I think you have competition, Baz." Bunce giggles and sits down next to Micah on the couch. I swear sometimes I forget he's even here. He's very quiet and I think the fangs still scare him sometimes.

It's nice to know that some people still find me threatening.

I go to the kitchen to talk to Simon, but looking at him, I don't think he would've realized if a dragon was in the room. He's in pure bliss with his scone.

I walk up behind him - he is sitting on one of the high chairs next to the counter - and flick his ear. He turns around and gaps at me with a chewed up bit still in his mouth.

"Baz!," while he's talking, there are crumbs falling out of his mouth. I swear, this boy. "What?!"

"THIS," I hold up the sweater that arrived this morning. "Snow, I spent good money on THIS."

He briefly looks at it, like he can't figure out what's wrong. I wait for the light bulb to click in his head. And then he starts laughing.

"Oh-" "my-" "wow-" "-Baz," he is laughing too much for words to come out. And that just makes my scowl deepen.

"This is your fault," I huff and cross my arms, throwing the sweater into his lap.

"How is it my fault? I just suggested that it would look good." He gives me his best innocent expression, complete with puppy dog eyes. Crowley.

"Because. It is. Snow you owe me. Now I'm out 15 pounds, and have a sweater in XXXL!" I look at him with a pointed look. Which just makes him laugh even harder. I really don't know whether to kill him or eat his scone right now. I opt for the latter and stuff the entirety of the leftover scone in my mouth.

Snow just looks at me with big gaping eyes like I have committed a great felony. I think I have.

"You- oh- You didn't just..- BAZ!" he whines and looks at me with his bottom lip jutted out. I lean down and kiss him lightly.

"I did," I smirk and head back.


I pull the back of his sweatshirt before he can leave. If he thinks after that, he is going to get away. Think again, buddy.

"Snow, I have things to do. Like return this god awful thing and ask for a refund, plus more."

"Oh no, no, no, no. Now you owe me. Baz that was the last scone Penny made," I look at him and he has a blank expression. So I lean up and lightly brush my lips against his. But I don't kiss him. He doesn't deserve it.

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