chapter one

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about me and the school

Walking home in the dark after being beat by my dad cause i told my mom to leave me alone but to be honest their not my parents i was adopted you would think being adopted would be like haven but its not this is my life and its messed up. I just got accepted in a collage for the <talented> it's a secrete school no one but the students and staff. My talent is transformation well that's everyone's talent. They are werewolves like myself and vampires which are not enemies with werewolves some are good but some are bad but they don't hurt us so we have problem with them. This collage has houses you pick your house they have two stories with a basement 4 baths four rooms a pool in the backyard with a fence. I can't wait to move in they bring a mover and they help with your stuff but all I have are cloths so. On campuses there are stores movies rentals car shops and of course the school we only have to come to school on Mondays Thursdays and that's it but we have to get a job to pay for grocery's a car movies and electronics but I have been saving up for years to move out of this house with my abusers. Well that's enough about me and the school. Wait I am 17 years old and going to collage so I am really smart I think I'm ugly because that's what my dad tells me

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