Chapter 1: The Tides Have Turned

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     Uma swam until she reached the the edge of the magic barrier. Touching her necklace, Uma transformed her tentacles back into legs before holding up her other hand and whispering, "By the power of the sea, make a hole just big enough for me." The barrier wavered for a moment before revealing a hole just big enough for her to swim through. Uma dove through the hole and just as she hit the water on the other side the glow coming from her necklace ceased and the barrier closed once more. With a sigh Uma looked towards the Lost Revenge in the distance and began the long swim towards her ship and her crew.
     Harry watched the TV in shock as Uma returned Ben's ring and swam off. "Harry, what just happened?" Gil asked, a look of confusion plastered on his face. Harry looked around the room. Gil and his crew were looking to him for answers, but he had none. "I don't know, but I am going to find out," Harry muttered as he made his way out of the chip shop.
     Walking along the docks Harry sauntered towards the Lost Revenge, shoving a few fisherman out of his way and he did so. Finally, he made his way onto the deck and leaned against the far railing, looking towards Auradon. He couldn't comprehend why Uma had given up so easily. She had them at her mercy yet she left without a fight. And what was that look she gave the king? That small smile, it was genuine yet sad. I've been trying to break down her walls for years and the king of Auradon gives one sappy speech and she breaks!? Harry slammed his fist on the railing before leaning against it and placing his head in his hands.
    Uma grabbed the side of the Lost Revenge, relieved that she had made it safely back to her ship. Slowly, she began to climb the side of the ship, hoisting herself up a little at a time until she made her way back to the main deck. As Uma hoisted herself aboard she heard a thump and looked towards where the sound had come from only to see Harry with his head in his hands. She got up and took a few steps towards him before calling out softly, "Harry."
    "Harry." Harry whirled around and saw Uma standing just a few feet away. "I see you've returned Captain," he said walking towards her. "Of course I returned Harry. Why wouldn't I?" she replied. Harry remained quiet as he took in her appearance. Her long, teal dress fit her perfectly and her hair was styled in an elegant bun. She looked absolutely stunning, even soaking wet.
    "Why did ye do it?" he asked, looking her in the eyes. Uma met his gaze before replying, " What are you talking about Harry? Do what?" A low growl escaped his lips as he pointed his hook towards her. "Why did ye retreat from the fight?" Harry's voice boomed louder as his anger boiled inside him. "YOU HAD THEM RIGHT WHERE YE WANTED THEM! WE COULD BE SAILING THE SEAS RIGHT NOW BUT NO! YOU JUST HAD TO LET THE KING OF BORE-A-DON GET IN YER HEAD! WHY CAPTAIN?" Uma started wide-eyed at her first mate. She and Harry had known each other since they were 8 years old and he had never raised his voice at her. She could see the hurt and betrayal in his eyes and it cut her like a knife to him like this.
    "Harry, I left because I realized that Ben is right. Fighting isn't getting us anywhere. Also, as much as I hate to admit it, Mal is right too. I can't let my ego get in the way of something I really want. I want our freedom Harry, but more than that I realized that when Ben was spelled to love me, it didn't feel right. I think it's because...he wasn't the man I love and would rather have him than anyone else." Harry stared at Uma as he tried to comprehend everything she had just told him. She's in love? With who? If I get a hold of him I'm going to hook him so bad he'll...
    "Harry!" Uma's voice snapped him from his thoughts. Harry met her face before focusing his attention on the hook in his hand. "I guess you want me to be happy for ye. Well, I guess he'll be helping us run the ship now aye Captain? I guess I'll just go back to the Jolly Rojer. I'm sure my Da' will be glad to yell "Lost Boy get o'er here" again and...?"
    "Harry! Stop it!" Uma yelled grabbing him by the shoulders. "Why would I replace my first mate when I'm in love with the one I've got?" Harry froze in his boots as her words sunk in. She loved him? A wide grin broke out on Harry's face as he linked his gaze once more with hers. "I love ye too, Uma." he whispered.
    Those words were all it took for Uma's walls to completely crumble. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she collapsed against his chest. Harry tensed for a moment before wrapping his arms around her in a warm, protective embrace as he gently rubbed her back.
   "Harry where did you...Oh hey! Uma's back!" Gil exclaimed as he made his way on deck. However, Harry sent him a warning glare. If looks could kill, Gil would have already had a burial at sea. "Um...I think I should go..." Gil said before bolting backs towards the chip shop like Captain Hook being chased by Tic Toc. After making sure Gil was gone, Harry began to slowly sway Uma side to side while moving in a slow circle. "Harry what are you doing?" Uma sniffled, looking up from his chest. Harry grinned as he continued going through the motions, "Well, yer all dressed up and I'm as fancy as a pirate can get so I figured I'd finish what Ol' Benny Boy started. May I have this dance?" Uma chuckled as she let Harry continue to guide her around the deck, "Dance? Harry, we don't even have any music." The young pirate only grinned as he placed her arms around his neck and his hands on her hips. "The waves are lapping against the boat, the sails are flapping the breeze, and the Ol' Sea Dogs are stomping along the dock. I'd say we've got all the music we need."
    Uma smiled as Harry continued to to guide her movements around the deck. They flowed gracefully just like when the wind goes with the tide, strong yet smooth. "Where did you learn to dance?" she asked. Harry sighed, "My Da' taught me. Only good thing he's ever done." Uma just nodded knowing that his relationship with his dad was as bad as her relationship with her mom, like mixing oil with water.
   They continued to dance until the sound of fireworks interrupted their peaceful waltz. Harry guided Uma over to the side of the ship where they watched as brilliant colors filled the sky. "I guess the party in Auradon is over," Uma sighed as the last of the fireworks dissipated from the sky. Harry wrapped his arm around Uma's shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug. It was then he realized she was shivering. "Yer freezing Love, I think it's time to get ye back to yer quarters." Uma nodded as Harry lead her to her room. As they walked, Uma felt a weight being added to her shoulders. Reaching up, she touched worn leather and realized Harry had wrapped his jacket around her shoulders.
     "Thanks," Uma said as she pulled the jacket tighter around herself. Harry smiled in response as he walked ahead of her and opened the door to her room. They made their way inside and Uma began rummaging through her dresser for her pajamas. "Well, I guess I'll head to my quarters now." Harry said shoving his hands in his pockets. Uma grabbed her pajamas and made her way over to Harry. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to her level. She gave him a smirk which he returned with a knowing smile before crashing their lips together. The kiss was powerful and passionate, fueled by the feelings they had left unspoken for so long. As they parted, Uma smiled before replying, "You're staying right here pirate," before heading towards the bathroom to change. Harry grinned before removing his hat and bowing. "Aye aye Captain."
     A moment later, Uma came out of the bathroom and found Harry standing by the bedroom door where she left him. Chuckling, she crawled into bed and looked over towards the smirking pirate. "Well, are you coming or not?" Uma asked, patting the space beside her. Harry's smirk grew wider as he began to slip off his clothes until he was in nothing but his boxers. Uma laughed as Harry made his way over and crawled into bed beside her. "What's so funny Love?" Harry asked as he began to adjust the comforter around the two of them. Uma stifled her laughter as she pointed at his boxers, "Are those little hooks on your shorts?" Harry chuckled as he finished fixing the comforter, "Maybe."
     Harry and Uma laid down and stared into eachother's eyes. Slowly Uma reached over and ran her finger down Harry's chest, a devilish smirk crossing her face. "You know, I always heard you were good at pillaging and plundering. Is it true?" Harry's grin grew wider as he moved in close to Uma's ear. "I am good at conquering, but I have never pillaged or plundered any treasure. Turns out nobody's on this isle is worth taking." Harry said huskily. Uma smiled as she turned to face the roguishly handsome pirate beside her, "Does that mean you would be willing to try?" He wrapped his arm around her waist as he got lost in her dark brown eyes, "Only with yer permission, Love." Uma pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before replying, "Well then, you better set your course."

Alright! Chapter 1 is complete. The goal is to post as often as I can and complete this book before the end of August. I will do my best to stay true to that. Happy reading and remember all the ways to be wicked!

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