-Chapter 48-

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Achieving Unbroken
Chapter Forty Eight

"I don't know why you're dancing in my mind,
From the breaking of the day to the middle of the night
All the time"
All The Time | Zara Larsson

[Monday, October 2nd, 2018]

This has taken a dangerous turn. I can feel it now.

And I don't think there's anything that I can do about it, now.

I'm too far gone.

And it's all because of Lilla.

[The Day Before]

"I noticed you talking to Jordan Lawrence today," Lilla announces, scribbling down the steps of the equation she is working on. With a final tap of her pencil, she looks up at me. "How'd that go?"

Finishing my own problem, I meet her eyes.

"Are you stalking me now?" I smirk. She rolls her eyes, but can't hide her smile. "It was good. He was cool, and he said that it's nice to see me coming out of my shell. He said, and I quote, 'that Harris girl has done wonders for you, huh?'"

"He did not."

"He did."

"Jesus Christ," Lilla buries her head in her hands. "Is it bad that I think he was insinuating something sexual?"

"Oh, he was definitely insinuating something sexual."

A beautiful, illuminating laugh bursts through her lips as she leans forward, bracing her hands on her math journal.

"Oh well," she sighs, "don't we kinda want people thinking that? If we're gonna be dating, we're probably having sex too."

"Thats true." I pause, trying to think of how to orchestrate my next question. "In public, or at school, how... Couple-y, are we going to act?"

"I don't know, really. I mean, nothing farther than kissing, right?"

Oh, God. Ohgodohgodohgod


"Well, yeah, right?"

My hands go clammy. For some reason, this conversation feels like the anticipation that you feel as you climb the peak of a roller coaster, waiting to fly down.

"Jason? Are you okay?"

Kissing her. In front of dozens of people. Showing them that she's my girlfriend.

"Does the thought of kissing me make you uncomfortable? We don't have to do it, I mean—"

"No, I'm fine with it." I tell her. "I just haven't really thought about it. The whole fake dating thing is still new."

Achieving UnbrokenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang