-Chapter 8-

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Achieving Unbroken
Chapter Eight

"And I told you that I need you, Baby can't you see
I'm alone, oh oh"
Infinity | AJR


[Monday, May 15th, 2018 - 7:45 AM]

"Charlie!" I scream down the hall, in an attempt to get the wrestler's attention. His head turns up, eyes scanning the busy crowd of people getting themselves to class, when his gaze lands on me. Anger flares in his eyes, and he pushes himself off of the lockers he was leaning on to go and walk in the opposite direction of me.

Lame attempt to get away from me, in my opinion. He should know by now that I'm persistent.

"Felds, slow the eff down, Christ. You can hear me. If your sister saw—"

"Don't you dare talk about my sister like you know her," he snaps, whipping around to face me.

"Then stop lashing out over her." Charlie, fuming, turns on his heel and begins to walk away from me again. I keep following him.

"I'm not letting you leave so easily. I need to talk to you."

He stops in his tracks, not facing me, but I can tell he's considering the offer.

"If this is about Oakland, I don't wanna discuss this."

"You won't discuss it." He slowly turns, looking at me with confusion. I walk toward him, getting so close that he has to step back, and I keep going until his back hits the lockers. "You're going to listen," I state, poking my index finger into his chest. "You aren't going to go near Jason again. You aren't going to go bitching at him and poking the bear for some kind of fight in a lame attempt to defend Clarity when you're just making a fool of yourself. You aren't going to talk to him, talk about him or his brother, or look at him if you pass him in the hall. And if you do any of these things, trust me, I will know about it."

All he does is smirk, and look down at me, like I'm a teddy bear holding a toy knife to his throat.

"You think you're so tough, it's cute. Those are empty threats. I'm not afraid of you, Harris."

"If you aren't now, you will be, trust me. You saw what happened at the fight. Kinley trusted my word over what your friends said because he knows you're just a group of assholes. I can make the promise that you will be at a school in another district if you mess with Jason, me or give anyone shit ever again. Go ahead, think my bark is worse than my bite—but don't do something that I can make you regret."

I see a sliver of panic flash across his face. Determining that my work is done, I back up, and gesture down the hall.

"What are you waiting for? Mr. Larson is waiting for you. Wouldn't wanna be late, would you?"

"Crazy bitch," he mumbles under his breath, and I can't tell if I'm meant to hear it but I do.

Yes, I am. And I'll be damned if he tries to bully anybody else.


[Tuesday, May 16th, 2018 - 11:20 PM]

Achieving UnbrokenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz