Chapter 3

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Finn wiped her forehead of sweat. "Holy shit!" She mumbled. It had been a couple days since the wedding. However, the wedding was interrupted by a group of Nazis from Earth-X. Unfortunately, she had been taken to a concentration camp during the ordeal. She'd escaped, it hadn't been the hardest thing she had ever done.

Finn had been handcuffed and trapped in a large field surrounded by barbed wire. The team stood around her. Alex was there too, so she prayed that nothing would reveal her. Masked men walked outside the fence, ordering the prisoners around. Jax saw triangles and stars on people's clothes. "What's the pink star for?" He asked a man. "What did you do to get in here?" The man looked solemnly at him. "I loved the wrong person." He said. Alex's face became worried along with Finn's. Finn didn't let it show though. Alex worried for her sister who'd been kidnapped and was going to have her heart taken to replace the evil Supergirl's dying one. Suddenly, the entire yard was ordered to be rounded up. A man who was a doppelgänger of Quinten Lance walked in. He stared at Sara. "You are Nordic perfection. Why would you align yourself with the impure?" He asked. Sara marked at him. "I like men and I like women." She replied. The doppelgänger huffed and turned away. Alex smiled slightly. They were then ordered to move.

They strode through the grass towards an unknown destination. They all fiddled with their handcuffs, breaking themselves out. A shock was sent into the power dampening collars around their neck. They got up and were walked to a ditch. They were all lined up. Finn stood next to Alex. "I'm sorry, Kara." Alex whispered to herself. Finn turned to her. "It will be okay." Finn said. Alex took a deep breath, nodding carefully. As the soldiers were about to shoot, a stream of ice came and froze them all. Then appeared Leonard Snart, his doppelgänger of course.

They had run away and eventually helped the resistance defeat the Nazis. Stein had died during a shootout. They held a funeral for him. Jax talked about him and then went over to Stein's family. Then everyone started putting dirt on the coffin, each person giving thanks to Stein.

Everyone had met in a park to say goodbye to each other. "You're really going back to your Earth?" Cisco asked. Finn nodded. She hugged him and walked with him to Barry and Iris. She saw Alex and Sara approach, saying goodbye to each other. They hugged and said a few things. Then Sara head towards the Waverider, slapping Mick on the back of his head on the way over. The ship took off and disappeared.

Alex headed back to Finn and everyone else. Finn had agreed to not go with them when they breached, just a bit later to avoid suspicion. Kara hugged Alex. They were both ready to go. They smiled at each other and talked to each other. They all hugged and The Danvers walked into the breach. Finn got up from her spot under a nearby tree. She walked to the group. "It was great getting to work with you, Barry. You too, Oliver!" She said, pulling them both into hugs. Iris and Felicity hugged her. "Good luck back on your Earth!" Felicity said, smiling. "Maybe you'll get the girl back!" Finn smiled. After a rough night in Star City, she had divulged her secrets over some glasses of wine. That led to a bit more.

"You were great! You could moan a little more though!" She whispered.

"Hey! My boyfriend is next to me!" She shot back.

Finn nodded and gave some final group hugs to Oliver and Felicity. As some last minute chat, Oliver and Felicity mentioned something about Iris and Barry's wedding being official and having someone ordained. There was a flash and suddenly, Diggle was there. He threw up and turned to them. He started their small ceremony.

Barry recited his vows, which made Iris tear up and smile. Then Iris recited hers, making Barry grin. Diggle then was about to pronounce the marriage when Felicity butted in. "Can you marry us?" She asked. Oliver agreed and the recited some remembered vows. Then Diggle pronounced the couples husband and wife. Finn stood in the back clapping. After the kisses stopped, she was attacked with hugs. She smiled and nodded. "I guess I'm one of the two witnesses of your guys' marriages. That's a cool honor." She stated. Oliver nodded and hugged her. She checked her phone. "Guys, I really gotta go. I've got to get back to my earth as soon as possible. I'm happy for you all!" She said, hugging them all one last time before being sped back to Star Labs by Barry. She said goodbye to Cisco and Caitlin. "Visit anytime!" Cisco reminded smiling. Finn smiled, giving him a hug. "Will do, Ramon!" She said. After one last goodbye, she walked through the breach.

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