Chapter 1

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Finn strolled down the sidewalk, the street lamps casting an ever changing glow on her. Her short hair rustled in the light wind, along with her oversized bomber jacket that was decked out in patches and pins. Finn fiddled around with her keys in her pocket. She was about to pick up her girlfriend, Alex Danvers. Nobody knew about the so far eight month long relationship. Finn had seen unsureness in her eyes when they'd gone on their first date, after all it had been Alex's first date with a girl or anyone, period. Finn checked her phone, before clicking onto Alex and Her's conversation. She sent a text. I'll be there soon, Alex. I've got a surprise. I'll be there in ten minutes. Finn put her phone back in her pocket.

She soon came across a bit of desolate sidewalks. There was no one but her, which was slightly ominous. She fiddled with the handle of the small knife in her belt loop. She walked cautiously until she saw some people walking in the distance and the headlights of a car. She relaxed her grip on her knife and sped up her pace.

Out of no where, she felt hands grab her arms and drag her into an alleyway. She wriggled a bit to get out of their grip. The grip became tighter. Too quickly, she became weaker. The figures tied her legs together, cuffed her hands and threw her against one of the walls. She grunted in pain. She took a clear look at the captors. She saw three masked faces. They stood looming above her. "So this is the notorious, Finn Hadwin." One of them hissed. "She's the cop by day, alien killer by night." She wriggled a bit. The figures just stood, grinning maliciously. "She's killed over a thousand of our brothers. She's killed our friends!" Another one screeched. "Boss will be happy! Let's just make sure she doesn't have enough strength to escape!" The third figure pulled out a knife. He crept towards Finn and kneeled next to her. He reached to cut the ropes with his knife but then jolted down and dragged the knife through her skin. She yelled in pain but it was muffled by the cloth in her mouth. He took out the knife before cutting her arm. She yelled even more. He dragged the edge up her neck before making a large cut across her face. Blood flowed steadily down her face and into her eyes, blinding her.

The figures let her bleed more until she looked close to passing out. A large pool of blood on the ground along with splattered blood on the wall made the scene look perfect for that of a murder. The captors smiled devilishly. They took off her coat and threw it astray on the ground. They dumped her pockets of everything, phone and wallet included. After a bit, they picked up the weak girl. They carried her a little ways before disappearing in a flash of light.


Alex sat in her apartment, waiting anxiously on her couch. Her phone beeped and she saw a text from her girlfriend, Finn. Finn was unlike anyone she'd ever met. She had started dating her after an unfortunate night of drinking. She could never tell anyone, her fear of telling everyone crippled her. So she decided that she wasn't gay, she was experimenting. Something in her subconscious told her that she was wrong and it wasn't just an experiment, but she ignored almost always. The text read: I'll be there soon, Alex. I've got a surprise. I'll be there in ten minutes. She smiled at the text before setting my phone down and getting a cup of wine.

Alex looked at the time the text had been sent. It was now twenty minutes later. "Maybe she's late?" Alex thought. She nodded to herself. She set the phone down and started reading through her book she kept on her coffee table.

Alex checked the phone again. It had been forty five minutes since the text was sent. She got a nervous look on her face. She quickly texted Finn, sending her a message wondering where she was. She set the phone down and turned on the TV. She started watching an episode of some science fiction show.

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