Chapter 36

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Placing a piece of sushi into his mouth, he chewed as much as he could until he was confident that swallowing wouldn’t be a danger to him. Oddly enough, the sushi tasted really good. Before, eating was eating. It wasn’t anything special and he never really thought much about it. All he thought about eating was the fact that he could possibly learn something about the person who prepared the meal, but now, it was somewhat different. When will it be the last time he’ll be able to eat like this?

“So, what brought you?” 

“I don’t know.”

Leaning against the wall, he looked down at the tiled floor.

“I don’t know why I even followed you here.”

“If you assume that you don’t know, then you’re not using that brain of yours enough.”

Izaya made his way to the elevator doors as he placed the last piece of his meal into his mouth. 

Discarding the trash on his way there, he added, “Ah, assuming that you even have one in the first place.”

He began to laugh as he reached over to press the button for the elevator to arrive. His finger never reached it, though.

As Shizuo stomped his way to Izaya’s side, his anger dissipated the moment he realized that the man was suddenly frozen in place. His initial response was to grab onto Izaya’s collar and shake him silly because it seemed to be the only outlet to his anger, but seeing those eyes widen and how he was starting to cough and wheeze; those once healthy-colored lips turning blue –

Those hands were frantic to grasp onto something, anything and they finally gripped tightly onto his bartender’s uniform as his gaze were focused on the floor because there were no words that formed from the noises his aching throat was making.

Shizuo wasn’t an idiot. He may not be intelligent, but he knew what was happening.

The body language was obvious: Izaya needed help. He wanted someone to help. He may be one of the most irredeemable bastards on this planet, but did he really deserve to die like this? That’s what Shizuo began to wonder. Was he heartless enough to leave this man here? Was he capable of walking away because this was his enemy: what was the use of helping him in the first place?

Shizuo thought he could do it. He was so sure of himself, but something stopped him.

Those words he was told before and those trembling hands – 

He hated the part of him who couldn’t be all of those horrible things towards the man who ruined his life.

“Goddamnit, you dumbass! The hell do you think you’re doing?!”

The blond scooped Izaya into his arms as he hurried out of the building, leaving the wheelchair alone in front of the elevator doors that remained close. Although he focused on the road ahead of him, he couldn’t ignore the man who was afraid of dying that very moment.

“Everything’s gonna be all right, okay? Just hang on and don’t die, you fucking bastard!”

For once, he wanted to hear Izaya laugh at him, but it never came and it made him worry.

He couldn’t decipher why it did.

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