Chapter 21

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“I wasn’t done talking.”

“I wasn’t willing to let you finish, Shizu-chan.”

“Can you shut up?”

“How about no.”

“I’ll cover your mouth if I have to.”

“I’ll bite.”

Shizuo grinned although it wasn’t a delighted one.

“Not if I stop you from doing so first.”

“Oh, I’m curious. What will you do?”

The conversation was going nowhere. They were like middle school students trying to outwit each other with words alone. Shizuo mentally shook away his frustration as he went back to the topic that he wanted to bring up.

“. . . Sorry.”

Behind that smile, mild confusion settled in.

“For what exactly?” 

“You know what.”

“Do I really?”

“. . .You were better off unconscious.”

“You think so?” Izaya finally looked away, his smile softening around the edges. Thinking about how something unfortunate could have happened to him if it wasn’t for the fact that Shizuo was the one who stirred him awake – he’d rather not think about it. Although his name wasn’t famous around these parts, he knew that wherever a person goes, they shouldn’t feel too safe when it comes to their surroundings. 

“I like it very much when I’m aware.” And healthy, but he didn’t add that part into his sentence.

“What’s the point if you’re gonna piss people off.”

Shizuo scoffed as he released the wheelchair, looking away.

“. . . So, you’re really sick?”

It was a question that lingered within his mind and although it was obvious to him now, he wanted to hear it from Izaya himself. The response he received was a laugh and a look that questioned his intelligence. A vein appeared upon his forehead as he lightly punched Izaya on his head.

“Don’t laugh at me and just answer the damn question.”

“That hurts!” Izaya said despite laughing a little more.

After calming down, he finally replied, “One can say that.”

“. . . What happened?”

“I fell down the stairs and landed on an icy beauty!”

“Stop joking around.”

“Ah, but it’s the truth.” Except not really and they both knew that. Shizuo grabbed out his pack of cigarettes along with his lighter. Smoking beside Izaya, he was able to relax – just a little, anyway. He was still pissed for whatever reason it may be.

Suddenly, he saw a flash in the corner of his eyes.

“Huh?” Looking down, he spotted a camera in Izaya’s hands.

“What are you doing?!”

“Taking a picture, what else?” Izaya smiled as he stuffed the camera in his pocket.

“Better not be of me.”

“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t want a photograph of you and your frightening face.”

“And I wouldn’t want a picture of you either, Izaya.”

Dropping the cigarette upon the ground, he crushed it underneath his heel and decided to head back home.

“Wait a moment.”

“What is it?” Shizuo turned as he looked over at the obviously tired individual.

“Why didn’t you kill me?”

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