It's my Responsibility...

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As soon as the Bad Sanses heading their way to Sci's Labs... They didn't notice, there some hiding CCTV around the forest. And Sci notice their way...
Sci quickly got their location and tell this to Cross..
Sci:"Cross, someone was heading to this lab!"
Sci:" It's Nightmare and his gang! They're heading here to kill his brother, Dream!!
Cross, you need to take Dream and get out from here, now!!!"
Cross:"Sci... You will take Dream out here..."
Sci:"W-What?! Cross, you could've been killed by them!!! They were the Bad Sanses! And now you aren't! They will kill you, Cross!! You can't stay here forever!"
Cross:"It doesn't matter, Sci... As long as my Dream are safe... He will stay alive...
Sci, I need you to call Ink, and take him to another save AU....
There maybe, someone who could curing his sickness..."
Sci:"....O.. okay... If you really want to do that.... *Calling Ink*"

Ink:"Hello, Sci! Whaddya need, buddy?"
Sci:"Ink, could you please come to my lab? There's someone needs your help.."
Ink:"And who might it be?"
Sci:"It's Cross..."
Ink:"What? Why is he in your lab?! Are you ok?! Are you hurt?!"
Sci:"Nonononono, I'm fine Ink! Cross didn't do something serious here... Also, he's not alone.. He's with Dream.."
Ink:"What?! Why is Dream is with him?!"
Ink:"Ok! Ok! Geez! You don't need to tell like that. *Hung up*"

*Teleport sound*
Ink:"Sorry I'm la- What the heck?! What happened to Dream?!?!"
Cross:"No time to explain! I need both of you taking Dream to the safe AU, to find someone who can cure his sickness right now!!"
Ink:"Ok then... But, what about you?!"
Cross:"I will stay here and stop the Bad Sanses...."
Ink:"Wait... Bad Sanses?!?! They moving AGAIN, and now they trying to kill Dream?!"
Cross:"Yes... That's why, I need your help Ink.. Since you the only one who can create a portal to another AU...
Now go.. please protect him...."
Ink:"..............Ok.... *Summoning his portal* Let's go, Sci..."
Ink:"(I dunno what happened here... And how Dream and Cross together... But... I hope Cross is ok... Good luck, buddy...)
"I will always protect him, no matter what happen to me anyway.... As his Guardian... I will always take my Responsibility to protect everyone...
Please stay alive.... Dream..."

"............. C.... Cr.... Cross..... P.. Please.... Don't... Do this..... I can't.... Let... Them.. kill.... You...... Don't.... Leave me....."

To be continued

(Thank you for your bestest idea you give, MiYuki249. I'm gonna do my best to make another chapter later, bruh! Also, it actually make me almost crying to write this, while I'm hearing Pokémon sad theme.... See ya later, bruh!)

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