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Note: Song Lyrics by Savyss


The sun broke through my curtains in a stream, falling directly onto my face and jolting me from sleep. I groaned and rolled over before remembering where I didn't have to be today, school. I didn't mind school but weekends meant I could see the one person I wanted to see more than anyone else, Miles Coleman. Soon, I wouldn't even need to wait until the weekend. With only a week of school left, I planned to spend a lot of my summer at his place or dragging him back here.

I rolled out of bed, tossed on a pair of well-worn jeans, and a sleeveless top with lace and ruffle detailing I found in a thrift store and pulled my dark locks into a ponytail. Heading down to the kitchen, I sent a quick text to Miles.

Sasha: Wake up, sleepyhead! I'm coming over!

Voices rang out from the kitchen and I slipped in to find my brothers and their girlfriend around the table. If Amanda was here that meant...

I swiveled my head, looking for a shock of ginger hair and finding it lurking near where the kitchen and living room met. Biting back a grin, I craned to see better and sure enough, Galen lounged on the floor playing a video game. Evil glee rose in me and I couldn't stop myself from calling out.

"Hey, Chase!"

Galen sprang up, eyes bugging out of his head as he caught sight of Chase leaning against the wall. Abandoning his still running game, he bolted out of the room like his ass was on fire. I cackled as Chase sighed and flopped his head against the wall.

Reaching into the pantry, I snatched a pop tart package. If Amanda and Chase were here that meant the chances of my brothers heading to Miles' was slim, which meant Lacey became my only option. As if thinking of her summoned her, Lacey slipped into the kitchen on silent feet. When her gaze caught mine, the corner of her mouth lifted. She smiled more now, since Blaze.

"Wanna ride?" Her softly spoken words barely reached me but I nodded as I bit into my breakfast. One thing that hadn't changed was Lacey's quiet nature. Neither of us spoke as I followed her out to the sedan she used and she drove over to the Blackbourne house.

Controlled chaos greeted us when we walked but I ignored it to bound up the stairs. Chances were Miles still slept soundly. The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the room was his guitar next to the trash can. Miles never put it there. Why now? I reached for it with every intention of moving it when a pamphlet in the trash caught my eye.

Star Camp

The last time I visited, it was on his desk. I'd asked about it but he changed the subject. Miles talent blew my mind. He belonged at that camp. Of course, he didn't believe it. I snatched it up and thumbed through it, noting the audition process. He only needed to send in an application video. Too bad the deadline passed already.

A niggle in my brain demanded attention. I heard something recently. No matter how hard I pushed I couldn't unbury whatever nipped my brain, so instead I did what any normal teenager would, I googled it.

And three results down, I found what I wanted. WKVS, a local TV station, was hosting a competition and the grand prize - none other than a trip to Star Camp, totally paid for. I scrolled down the page, scanning quickly for the most important info.


Still 2 more days till the entry deadline and all he needed to do was...well, crap. He needed to send in a video. I knew I could get him to sing for me, so it looked like some covert recording needed to happen. I just hoped he wasn't too pissed when he got in.

One Moment, Academy Kids 4Where stories live. Discover now