Entry Sixty-one: improvement

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I was rereading an entry I wrote last year about beauty (Entry One: beautiful), when I came across one part and had to stop and write this entry instead. The part I'm talking about is this:

"...So in an effort to make myself feel better the other day, I think, I started a list in my head where I would point out all the things I didn't like about myself and, to even them out, all the other things I liked.

This is what I came up with:

Things I dislike:

-I'm short (151 cm, boo).

-I'm chubby.

-My eyebrows - they're hideous.

-My big feet and weird toes

-My frizzy hair

-My skin (the color, the problems, the scars)

-My big lips and giant two front teeth

Things I like:

-My eyes

-My eyelashes

-The slight shine of my hair

-My bangs"

When I read this, it suddenly occurred to me that, over the course of a year and a half, the way I perceive myself has changed. I'm not the same person I was a year and a half ago. Something happened some time during those eighteen months that has made me realize I actually don't mind being short or having frizzy hair, and that I actually like the color of my skin and the shape of my lips. The list of things I dislike about myself has basically shrunk to half, and if that's not an improvement, I don't know what is.

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