Entry Thirty-two: undeserving

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I ignore my friends.

I don't know why. Sometimes I just don't feel like talking, or having any sort of human interaction for that matter. I take my time replying to their messages, I get pissed off if they call, I make no effort to keep the conversation going, and I have no idea why.

I mean, don't other people get all excited when their friends call and ask about them and, you know, not act as if they don't exist? They might even find it endearing, flattering. I don't though. Honestly, I find it annoying. As a matter of fact, I could go on months without talking to any of my friends and not mind at all. It's not that I don't care about them, or appreciate their concern and not having me thrown in the backburner. It's just they're not a priority to me.

I'm actually ignoring one of my friends right now, even though I'm pretty sure she saw my tweet on twitter. I'm also pretty sure she knows I've read her message. And it's occured to me there might be something important she wants to tell me, but, for the life of me, I cannot be bothered to reply. I think I might actually enjoy ignoring her and the rest of my friends.

I'm a bad friend, aren't I?

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