The Dearly Departed

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Yoshiki sat in the front of the church, surrounded by Ayumi's friends and family. He straightened his tie, stood up, and walked to the podium. Wiping aware a tear, Yoshiki cleared his throat and began to talk. He was subdued, sedate and somber. "I had hoped that the first time I'd be in a church with Ayumi would be our wedding d". Yoshki's voice trailed off and he let out a small cry. Tears visibly running down his face, Yoshiki continued. "Would be our wedding day not her funeral". The emotion was too much for Yoshiki. Bursting into tears, he ran to Ayumi's, open, casket. "Why did you have to leave me!", he screamed through his tears. "I love you Ayumi Shinozaki and that damn school took you". Satoshi, who's suit was noticeably stained with tears, stood up and pulled Yoshiki away and offered his sympathies. However, when he spoke he spoke with Ayumi's voice. "Wake up Kishinuma! Wake Up!" He said urgently.

Suddenly, Yoshiki awoke to find himself, not in a church, but in the hospital next to a concerned Ayumi. Sweating and beginning to panic, fearing his dream was reality, Yoshiki rolled and thrashed around on Ayumi's bed. Without Yoshiki's knowledge, Ayumi took his, large sculpted, left hand and intertwined her fingers in his. "It's OK, it was only a dream", she said softly whist squeezing Yoshiki's hand. Instantly, Yoshiki was calmed and regained his composure. "I'm sorry, it had the dream again" Yoshiki said apologetically. 'the dream' was all it took for Ayumi to realise how much Yoshiki cared. The pair had discussed his recurring nightmare during Ayumi's first waking hour. Three days since she awoke, Yoshiki knew he had to act, seeing the dream as a sign. The schools problem child reached over to his satchel, that was sitting next to Ayumi's bed, and pulled out a jewellery box. He swiftly hid said bid behind his back and spoke softly to Ayumi. "Close your eyes", he said gently. Without hesitation, Ayumi did as he instructed, unknown to her that Yoshiki had a necklace in his hand. Yoshiki carefully placed the necklace around Ayumi's neck. "You can open your eyes now", he smiled. Looking down, Ayumi spotted the necklace, a simple silver chain with an infinity shaped pendant. "My love for you is unquantifiable, so infinity best describes it. I'll love you until the end of my days, until the end of all days. Ayumi Shinozaki I love you." Yoshiki said proudly.

Ayumi, who was usually unflappable, was lost for words. Yoshiki spoke which such grace, such emotion and a look of pure and unrefined love in his eyes, that Ayumi's heart melted. She was even more in love with the boy who saved her life, if that was even possible. "Come here" Ayumi managed to say, summoning Yoshiki over. As he reached her bedside, Ayumi wrapped her arms around Yoshki's neck and leaned into kiss him. As their lips touched, it was clear there was a connection, sparks flying, goose pimples forming. The kiss was gentle, yet passionate. It was one of true love, not lust. As it ended, Ayumi pulled away slowly and leaned her head against Yoshiki's chest. She looked up at him with a look of love, joyous tears filling her eyes. "I never thought I'd live to do that but I did. I never thought I love someone but I do. You're mine Yoshiki and I'm never letting you go. I love you to the moon and back a thousand times! I love you more than life itself. You are the reason I'm alive and now my reason for living. Yoshiki Kishinuma, I love you", Ayumi said in a tirade of emotion. By the end of her speech, Yoshiki was visibly crying, tears running down his face and landing on Ayumi. She looked up and hit him playfully. "You'll mess up my hair", Ayumi teased. Yoshiki's response was indicative of his love for Ayumi. "Shut up and kiss me!", he instructed. Ayumi followed her orders and the pair locked lips again. The fireworks were still there. Goose pimples formed on Ayumi's neck. They could have held their embrace forever, if not for an unexpected knock on the door.

"Can we come in yet?", said a wide eyed Satoshi. "You're killing us", laughed Yuka. The newly formed couple both blushed a bright shade of crimson. "Come in guys", Yoshiki said acting as if he was annoyed. "Ruin our moment why don't you.", he teased. Satoshi, Yuka and Naomi filed into the small hospital room, gathering around Ayumi's bed. "As if, finally", Satoshi stopped to punch Yoshiki's arm, "being with Kishinuma wasn't enough, the doctors said you'll be free to go tomorrow", Satoshi smiled. Ayumi, beaming from cheek to cheek, let out a noise of happiness. "Today just keeps getting better!", Ayumi exclaimed.

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