Aches and Pains

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Maths Class, Yoshiki's least favourite lesson. Frequently, Yoshiki would allow his mind to wander in these lessons. He'd imagine his future, he'd think of things to do instead of maths and he'd even plan to drop out of school altogether. However, things all changed when Ayumi saved him from himself. The innocent and sweet 'Class Rep' lied and shed fake tears on account of the notorious 'Problem Child'. Since Ayumi made him see sense, Yoshiki had bucked up his ideas and got on with his studies. He showed desire to learn instead of desire to hit his teachers.

So in today's Maths lesson Yoshiki was engaged and proactive, just like he had been for weeks, since Ayumi's intervention. Midway through the lesson, the teacher, an unremarkable man of middle age, signalled for people to get into pairs for a task. It was a sign of the times that Yoshiki's first thought was of Ayumi. Instantly, he looked up and gazed longingly at Ayumi, desperate for her to show an interest in working with him. Satoshi, who was sat next to Yoshiki, whisperd in Yoshiki's ear, "If you like her so badly then just ask her out!". Yoshiki, squirmed slightly in his seat and blushed a vibrant shade of crimson. "Is it that obvious?" Yoshiki sighed. "I want to be with her so badly it hurts!" Yoshiki continued. Suddenly, a shadow was cast on the pair of them. The shadow was petite and dainty. It was Ayumi. Yoshiki's eyes instantly lit up and the sight of his crush made his heart race. Yoshiki stood up and motioned for Ayumi to take his seat. "Do you want to work with me Ay...." His voiced trailed off. "Shinozaki", he continued. Yoshiki struggled to look Ayumi in the eye and rubbed the side of his neck whist waiting for a response. It was then that Ayumi struck a blow right into Yoshiki's heart. "Actually...." Ayumi said nervously. "I was gonna ask whether Satoshi wanted to work with me. Maybe next time?" Ayumi smiled. "Yeah..... Next time" Yoshiki said with a voice void of emotion. Tears began to well up in his eyes and his emotions began to take hold. Yoshiki, hurt and rejected, turned away from Ayumi, who was oblivious to him, and walked to the classroom door. "I've got a headache" Yoshiki offered as an excuse to the teacher before storming out of the room.

When out of earshot of the class, Yoshiki slumped on the floor of the hall and broke down in tears. Yuka, Satoshi's spoilt sister, saw the weeping Yoshiki and sat cross-legged next to him. "Kishinuma" she said softly, whist rubbing his arm. "What's the matter?". The human interaction didn't help the situation, instead it made Yoshiki even more emotional. The, usually, koi and mysterious ,blonde haired, boy began to cry uncontrollably. "No matter what, I'll never be good enough for her!" He stuttered, angry at himself."I'll always be second place to the precious Satsoshi!" He wailed, somewhat, sarcastically. Despite the fact that Yoshiki and Satoshi were close friends, Ayumi followed the latter with glazed over eyes, drunk in his aura, and Yoshiki resented that. He resented that he was always playing second fiddle to the only girl he'd ever loved. "There there Kishinuma", Yuka smiled. "She'd be lucky to have you". Yoshiki smiled a little and wiped the tears from his cheeks. "Oni-Chan wants Naomi anyway, so you're safe in that regard",Yuka joked. "Thanks Yuka-Chan",Yoshiki said hugging the little girl. As Yoshiki got to his feat, the bell went signalling the end of the day. Instead of waiting for the rest of his friends, Yoshiki went straight home listening to his music whist still slightly upset. "I love you damnit!" He murmured to himself. "I'll protect you no matter what!"

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