Chapter 3: Kindergarten

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"Nicole! It's time for your first day of school!" I immediately woke up and responded, "Coming mom!" I threw on some clothes, grabbed my backpack, and ran to the entrance of my castle where my mom was, waiting to send me to school. "I'm ready, mom!" My mother smiled and said, "bye sweetie! Have a great day at school!" "Bye!" I answered as she teleported me to school. I looked around to see the doors that led me to my first day of school. I opened the door to see a lot of tables and a bunch of kids that were my age sitting in chairs next to the tables. Suddenely I heard a woman's voice, "Hello, you must be Nicole. I'm Ms. Margaret, your teacher." I turned around and saw Ms. Margaret with a smile on her face. She looked like she was about 30 years old. She had dirty blonde hair that was in a braid and bright blue eyes that looked like they could see right through you. She continued, "Put your backpack in the closet then go sit over there by Brooke," she pointed to an empty seat next to a girl with blonde hair. I nodded my head, put my backpack in the closet, and sat next to Brooke. I looked at Brooke and said, "Hi, I'm Nicole." She turned around and said, "Hey. I'm Brooke." I wasn't sure if she wanted to be my friend or not. The tone of her voice made it hard to tell. In fact, I don't think I ever found out if she was my friend. When it was time story time that day, everyone was surprised seeing that I actually knew how to read, everyone except for Brooke, she was jealous. I heard her saying to the teacher, "How come she knows how to read? It's not fair! She's being a show off!" I was surprised to hear that. First of all, I was not being a show off, I was just reading. Second, was it my fault that I was the only kid in kindergarten that knew how to read? Third, how should I know that she didn't know how to read and that it would make her jealous? During recess, I tried to find someone to play with. I went over to a group of girls who were playing with a ball. I asked them if I could play, but then a girl named Brianna looked at me and answered, "No! You can't play with us!" "Why not?" "Because of those things on your face!" she said as she pointed rudely at my glasses. Before I could say anything, I heard a familiar voice say, "They're called glasses. Ever heard of them? They help people see better." I turned around to see that the familiar voice was Brooke. Brooke happened to be walking by and overheard our conversation. "You mean shes a lunatic and she needs help just to see straight?" she answered impolitly. Brooke got mad and replied, "Hey! Maybe you need glasses cause you can't see what's ahead of you! Lunatic!" As soon as she said that she kicked the Brianna's leg and Brianna fell down. "I bet you didn't see that coming, did you now?" she said, feeling satisfied of herself. Brooke turned to me and said, "I'll play with you, Nicole." "Thank you, Brooke!" I said, feeling joyous. "Your welcome!" We played with jumpropes until recess was over.

It was lunch time. I saw down with my lunchbox and started eating my sandwich that my mom had put for me. While I was eating my sandwich, I looked around the room to see the boys on one side of the room, Brianna and her friends on the other side of the room, and Brooke and her friends in another side of the room. And then there was me, sitting by myself. Brooke saw me and said, "Nicole, sit with us." "Ok," I said as I got up and took my lunchbox and my sandwich to Brooke's side of the room. I sat down next to one of Brooke's friends. She was a brunette girl that was a little taller than me. Brooke started, "everyone, this is Nicole." Her friends looked at me and they all said, "Hi." or "Hey." Then everyone but the brunette girl sitting next to me returned to their conversations. The girl looked at me and said, "I'm Patricia. Nice to meet you Nicole." "Nice to meet you too, Patricia." She smiled and started a conversation with me. Fifteen minutes later, lunch was over and we all took out seats in our classroom. Ms. Margaret started handing out paper and crayons and told us that we should draw something to put on the bulletin board. While other girls drew things like princesses, I drew a picture of me and my brothers. I was already a princess after all. I drew myself in the middle and I put a little brother holding my hand on each side. On the right side was George and on the left was Jacob. Brooke looked over at my drawing and said, "Who's that?" I replied, "The one in the middle is me, the one on the right is my younger brother George and the one on the left is my younger brother Jacob." She looked at the picture then at me, "George and Jacob look exactly the same." "That's because they are identical twins." Brooke was confused and frustrated, "What does identical mean? And how come you know so many words and I don't?" "Identical means exactly the same and I don't know that many words." Brooke looked at her drawing and then at mine. "Yours looks better." I didn't know how to answer her so I just said, "Yours looks good, too." She looked at her drawing and mumbled, "sure it does," as she continue drawing.

School was over and I had just gotten home. I had put my backpack in my room and had started watching television, when my mom stepped in my room, holding George. "How was you first day of kindergarten, Nicole?" "Fine," I answered.I looked at George and then at my mom and asked, "Can I hold him?" "Alright Just..." "I'll be careful! I promise!" I interupted. My mother laughed. "Ok then," she said as she handed George to me. I looked into George's eyes and said, "Hi George. I missed you at school today. Did you miss me?" George giggled, then smiled and nodded. He started making noises like he was trying to say something. "Mom! I think George is trying to say something!" I watched him as he finally said with his baby voice and with his cute smile, "Nicole." I felt a warm smile grow on my face. George had just made my day. His first word was my name... Nicole...

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