Dark Hunter (fan fic): The Time Has Come

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"Wait a minute....back up. I still don't understand how You would be able to do that. After all, your nothing but a speck of dust in the Greek and Romans' eyes," I say in confusion.

"Its not for you to understand," he says in a smug, arrogant tone. "All you need to know is Acheron isn't the only one who can get things from Artemis."

"But why would you want to help me? After all, I was abandoned by my name own gods -including You, might I add- before Artemis came to my rescue. What's in it for you?" I set my mouth in a straight line and quirk my one eyebrow up just a little bit.

"Let's just say you are more important then you know. To people and to the gods."

"Can I at least think about it?" I ask.

"I could be mean and say no and demand you give me an answer right now but seeing as I'm feeling slightly...generous, I'm going to give you one week from..."He tilts his wrist a little to look at his gold and platinum watch,"9pm to make up your mind."

"Ok, whatever just send me back where you got me!" I demand in an irritated tone. Which I guess technically I shouldn't be so demanding of gods but eh, you only live once...right?

"Your wish is my command, just be warned, you waiting to give me an answer could have catastrophic consequences to the world and to people you love" His voice goes all woosh-y sounding towards the end as he disappears. And I feel myself being tugged back to Sanctuary.


Glaring all around me making sure he won't pop out and "kidnap" me again, I dust my jeans off with "wtf" scrolling in neon lights across my brain.

All of a sudden I have the air wooshed out of me as I'm tackled by someone small who's dressed goth-y and who smells like....

"SIMI" I say in a commanding, yet urgeny tone,"WHO or What did you bar-b-que??? You know how Ash feels about you bar-b-queing things and people!"

With a giggle, she reaches into her coffin-looking purse and pulls out a bar-b-que sauce named specially after her and a handful of expensive jewelry. Then she shows it to me. "The Simi wasn't bar-b-queing anything I wasn't s'posed to. I had some 'spensive shinies and they needed....extra flavor to be good eating."

Rolling my eyes, I say,"Well....ok. I just don't want to see you getting in trouble because Ash found out you bar-b-qued something -or someone- off limits. You know what happened last time...." The last part of what I said kind of trailed off as a warning.

Getting all huffy, Simi shakes her finger at me and wails,"No, No, No! The Simi didn't do it on purpose. The Simi didn't mean to make Akri mad at her." She immediately starts to cry.

I awkwardly rub her back in a soothing manner and go,"There there. It's alright....shhhhh" over and over again.

Hearing a clearing of the throat, Simi jumps up with a big grin as if she'd never been down in the dumps and jumps into Akri..erm Ash's arms.

"Look Akri! Look who the Simi found for you!,"she says with her usual child-like excitement.

Ash gave her an indulgent smile and patted her on the head.

"Good Simi,"he says,"Now come back to back me please. I need to talk to Sabine alone."

With a growl (of annoyance) at him, she becomes like mist and wraps herself around his forearm, looking like a dragon tattoo. "Siimi,"he warns. At his tone of voice, the "tattoo" slithers up his arm.

I cross my arms and look at him. "What's up Ash? Why were you looking for me?"

"My...sources tell me you had a visit from someone from your past...How did it go?"

I roll my eyes. I'm curious about what "sources" he's talking about. Buut I know if I were to ask him, he'd just give me that little....all knowing smirk.  You know the one....the one that says "if I tell you, I'll have to kill ya".

Which in his case I wouldn't be surprised.

I shrug my shoulders in irritation. "Well," I hold out my hand and begin to tick off "how it went" with my fingers," One, I was not happy to see him. Two, I was extremely Surprised to see him. Three, he's still the same cocky, self-serving douche-god I knew way back and Four, he said some things which made absolutely no sense. Like how I'm "more important then I know." So yeah it went really well." That last sentence dripped off my tongue with a mixture of sarcasm and curiousity.

Acheron opened his mouth to start talking but I remembered something. "Oh! and he said (and I quote) "all you need to know is Acheron isn't the only one who can get things from Artemis". Now Ash...tell me...what did he mean by that? He also told me he can get my soul back for me...is that possible? I thought you were the only one who could do that."

Acheron chuckled which...was not the response I was expecting. "Ash....care to clue me in on what's so funny?"

That's when Acheron went into the story of how he met Mixcoatl. 

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